认证评论 - Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
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maoyonc 2023-05-12

Hello, how long will it take for your article to be published?

maoyonc 2023-05-12

The review process is fast, and it usually takes about a month to receive feedback. Minor revisions.

futureme 2022-11-01

3.4 Submission
4.12 Received reviewer comments
5.17 Revision
5.18 Acceptance
7.2 Epub
Overall, the process was fast, and the reviewer comments were relatively mild.
I received the reviewer comments while studying outside, so it was inconvenient to conduct additional experiments. I provided the data I had on hand, along with supporting literature and explanations. After the revision, the paper was accepted the next day without much hesitation.
The submission experience this time was very good, and if it is suitable, I will consider submitting again in the future.

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