认证评论 - Journal of Sport and Health Science
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

肉肉肉肉肉 2023-07-02

How long does "awaiting admin processing" usually take?

想不出来叫啥 2023-06-10

May I ask how old you are?

想不出来叫啥 2023-06-07

Excuse me, when can I expect to receive a message? The editor hasn't seen it yet.

zhengyuze 2022-11-14

Don't you see? This magazine's review section occupies a large portion, half of it is reviews. How can the impact factor not increase quickly?

YYYYYYYYYYY 2022-11-13

How long does it take for all of you to process it?

YYYYYYYYYYY 2022-11-13

How long do we have to wait for the administrator to process during the waiting stage?

奔跑的蜗牛在奔跑 2022-07-01

May I ask how long have you been in the "awaiting admin processing" status?

shendaying 2022-04-06

How long does it take for "awaiting admin processing"?

你管我 2022-03-22

Rejected on the second day after submission, to be honest, the process was very fast. I don't know why, they simply said there was no reason. I feel like there might have been a prior agreement, otherwise it wouldn't have been rejected so quickly.

ahouhou 2021-07-29

The delivery speed is very fast, it should be due to insufficient content innovation.

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