认证评论 - Nano-Micro Letters
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

musaily 2023-08-07

Do you need a page fee? I think it's an Open Access journal.

musaily 2023-08-07

The journal has great potential, it is fast, and worth investing in.

吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮呀 2023-07-29

Has your thesis yielded any results?

zhould 2023-07-28


Translation: "Posting number 14000+ in 2023? Publishing over 200 articles in a year, is the acceptance rate really that low?"

ctx123 2023-07-28

Has the ED decision been announced?

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-25

My decision is still unchanged.

吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮呀 2023-07-25

Has your manuscript been reviewed? Has the editor made a decision? Mine is still in the same state and hasn't changed.

吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮呀 2023-07-25

Has your situation changed? Have you made a decision yet? Mine is still in the same state and hasn't changed.

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-24

Did you receive the decision?

ctx123 2023-07-23

It is possible that my decision was made several days ago. There may be fewer reviewers, and I heard that this journal sends 4.5 reviewers.

奥德修斯 2023-07-23

It has already become "Awaiting ED decision".

奥德修斯 2023-07-23

It is estimated that there are not enough reviewers, so we need to find new reviewers. The same goes for mine.

小小小西瓜 2023-07-23

Why can it still be changed back to waiting for the reviewer's score?

ctx123 2023-07-22

5.28: The manuscript was submitted to the journal.
7.10: Currently, we are waiting for the reviewers' scores.
7.14: We are awaiting the final decision from the Editor-in-Chief.
7.22: Still waiting for the reviewers' scores.

ctx123 2023-07-22

Is there a result now? I also changed from ed decision to awaiting.

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-21

I don't know, and I also don't know when it can be dealt with.

FML灬STM 2023-07-21

I am also in this state, awaiting score on July 4th, and then it changed to awaiting ed decision on July 21st...? Does this mean the review process is over?

已注销 2023-07-21

Does inviting a submission guarantee that it will be reviewed?

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-21

I just became "awaiting score" yesterday, it has only been about ten days.

吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮呀 2023-07-21

About two weeks, when did your state of decision change? How long has it been?

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-21

How many days does it take for your status to change for review?

吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮呀 2023-07-21

I'm not sure, I've been in this state for several days as well.

uhfiuayhf 2023-07-20

Has the review process ended or is there another review comment coming back?

奥德修斯 2023-07-19

Still awaiting reviewer scores. It has been 50 days already.

奥德修斯 2023-07-13

0528 submitted to journal
0603 awaiting reviewers scores
0713 awaiting reviewers scores
It has been forty days already, with a change from ED decision to Awaiting in between. I have seen others receive their results within two weeks to a month, so why is mine taking so long? I hope the reviewers and editor can provide some feedback or revisions!

会会会灰的鱼 2023-07-13

The journal editor invites contributions everywhere (Junior Group), casts a wide net, and then delays for over half a month before directly rejecting the submission without review. Does NML really not fear tarnishing its own reputation?

kgbkkklll 2023-07-07

It's been almost a month, and the opinions of the three reviewers are quite professional and fair. They have indeed identified many flaws in the article. I still need to work harder.

1098Letpub 2023-07-05

How long have you been in this state?

暴打渣男 2023-07-04

There is a high probability of being sent for review. Basically, the editor is looking for professional and relevant reviewers.

peipeipeiper 2023-07-04

Congratulations, host! May I ask how much is the board fee?

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