认证评论 - Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

kaikaile 2021-07-07

Why is there no impact factor this year? What is the situation?

jqf2021 2021-03-23

After April, it will not be searchable. No need to submit anymore. If the submission is retracted after being accepted, there will be a fee of $200 per page.

左左聿之 2021-03-11

It is said that JMIHI did not pass this year's SCI annual review, and it will no longer be indexed by SCI. Is it true or not?

fafaki 2021-02-04

Excuse me, is the medical imaging program good here, bro?

落雨收衫 2021-01-10

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