认证评论 - Journal of Flow Chemistry
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涟·漪 2023-06-22

I recently submitted to this journal, but I might have confirmed the submission after generating the PDF a little late. They sent me an email saying that my submission was removed. However, at that time, I didn't see the email and still confirmed the PDF, and then sent another email saying that the submission was successful. The system kept displaying "New Submission" and I got worried that I hadn't submitted it, so I submitted it again. After a few days, they returned it to me, stating that it was a duplicate submission. This confused me because I don't know if the previous submission was effective or not. It has been a week and it still shows "New Submission".

soojoo 2023-06-10

Roughly three days after submitting the manuscript, it is assigned to an editor. One week later, it is listed as "Under Review" and "under review," and at some point in between, it is assigned to another editor. Exactly one month later, I received revision comments and spent three days making the changes. After 12 days, I received the final decision of acceptance. I didn't pay attention to the rest.

丸子-flow 2023-06-09

Oh, I wanted to ask how long it will take for you to review the draft.

soojoo 2023-06-07

It took more than twenty days, and it took three days to organize the feedback. In just over a week, I received feedback from the reviewer indicating that it was satisfactory.

丸子-flow 2023-06-06

How long did it take to receive the review comments?

soojoo 2023-05-23

Before submitting, I discovered that a paper had been done on similar work with different conclusions, but it was criticized for not citing it. This journal has a limited scope, so I hope to have further development.

丸子-flow 2023-05-14

Do you have any relevant submission experience? How long will it take to receive feedback?

飞鱼007 2021-03-17

1.11 Submission
1.14 Review
3.1 Receive reviewer's comments, minor revisions
3.10 Submit revised manuscript
3.16 Acceptance
The journal is a great fit for articles on microreactor flow chemistry. With a 2-month acceptance period, graduation is possible.

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