认证评论 - Air Quality Atmosphere and Health
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yanlingchong 2023-07-14

Why is it still in "editor assign pending" status even though it has been submitted for a month?

嘟噜噜 2023-06-17

Is this journal manuscript reviewed by RRC or is the review complete? My RC has been 50 days.

嘟噜噜 2023-06-17

What happened later?

嘟噜噜 2023-06-17

It has been 50 days since the review was completed, and there has been no response when asking about the status of the manuscript. It's really frustrating. Sigh, it's really torturous.

嘟噜噜 2023-05-15

The following text translates to English as: "Under review, it took only 3 days for the review to be completed. Now it has been 16 days. What's going on?"

嘟噜噜 2023-05-15

Brother, what is your current situation now?

Dogwood 2023-04-21

Three days for review, twenty days for the review process to conclude, one major revision and one minor revision, requiring one week for the revisions to be completed. Once the revisions are completed, the paper will be directly accepted for publication. The entire process takes a total of 29 days.

吆喝的翅膀 2023-02-26

Submitted on January 2nd, under review on January 15th. It has been almost two months now and still no news. I'm relying on this SCI graduation paper.

想发sci结项的猫 2023-01-29

2022.11.19 Submitted
12.13 Received feedback for revisions, and it has been under review since then.
Hoping for good luck, aiming to conclude this project.

hhhhhaa 2022-07-15

I want to ask... What does it mean to have been declined invitation twice by an editor within half a month? Does it mean my submission will be rejected?

Tiarachen 2022-06-30

From submission to acceptance, it took nearly four months, which is considered quite fast.

submitted 03.03.2022
major revision 26.05.2022
minor revision 26.06.2022
accepted 30.06.2022

kk 2022-04-28

It has been a week since I submitted it, but it is still being processed by the journal. The efficiency seems a bit low.

顺风一号虎 2022-04-07

Excuse me, but is this currently considered as Zone 3 or Zone 4?

锡疫 2022-03-29

As an undergraduate student, I published my first SCI paper here. The topic was deep learning for predicting air quality. I would like to share the submission process for reference:

1.15 Submitted
1.17 Editor Assign Pending
1.18 Editor Declined Invitation
1.19 Editor Invited
1.24 Under Review
2.13 Under Review
3.10 Minor Revision
3.14 Revision Submitted
3.26 Accept

Overall, the editors and reviewers were very fast. The editor was nice, and the reviewers provided friendly suggestions. If you have suitable articles, you may consider submitting to this journal.

MIKADUKI 2021-12-19

A paper from my undergraduate years, which was rejected after the second review by BAE and then submitted to this journal. It was submitted in September and accepted in December, so the efficiency was decent.

From my observation, the editorial board has changed this year, and the number of publications has gradually increased. The real-time impact factor for 2021 is above 5+, and it is expected to continue to rise next year. There is also a possibility of entering the second tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I suggest trying to submit a shorter article to gain some experience.

sunshine娇娇 2021-10-14

My review process lasted for nearly four months, and the status date kept changing. I would like to ask you, how many times did the date of the review status change for you at that time?

Tohe1123 2021-04-19

Record my first SCI paper. Submitted on November 6th, first minor revision on March 28th, second minor revision on April 8th, accepted on April 19th.

芜城 2021-03-27

Because I felt that there was too little information available online about this journal when I submitted my article, I am now sharing my experience after it was accepted, in order to provide some information for colleagues who may be interested in submitting to this journal.

This journal is not particularly well-known in the field, but on the one hand, as a master's student, I am satisfied to have my work published here. On the other hand, this journal has a relatively low publication volume and does not accept a lot of low-quality articles. Personally, I prefer Springer's magazines.

According to the official website, the review process takes 43 days for the initial notification, but based on my personal experience, it took about a month. My article was reviewed by two reviewers, resulting in major revisions from one and minor revisions from the other. The editor gave me three weeks to complete the major revisions. After submitting the revised article, the review process was completed within a few days, and a few days later, it was accepted. The whole process took a little over two months.

Overall, when choosing a journal to submit to, it is important to consider the match with your field. This journal prefers articles related to environmental monitoring. As long as you are given the opportunity to make revisions, the chances of being accepted after careful revisions are quite high.

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