认证评论 - NPG Asia Materials
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Frodo 2022-03-12

I want to ask you experts, why am I still under consideration after one and a half months of submission? It hasn't been reviewed yet, but I'm eager to get it published. Do you think I should wait a little longer or withdraw my submission?

雷昕 2021-01-26

Hello, I wanted to ask when you submitted your manuscript and how long it took for the revisions to be completed. I submitted mine on November 25th and haven't received any updates after two months.

我是涛哥哥 2021-01-25

20-08-14 Submitted
20-09-11 Under review
20-11-05 Major revision
20-12-06 Revised
21-1-05 Minor revision
21-01-6 Revised
21-01-25 Format modification (accepted)
During the major revision phase, only two out of three reviewers raised questions, with around 30 questions raised in total. Out of these, 12 required major revisions and additional experimental explanations. Each point was addressed with supplementary experimental explanations. The questions were not very challenging, as there was a 60-day time frame for revisions. However, it was not possible to address one question regarding animal experiments, so we provided an honest explanation. Both reviewers were satisfied with the major revision and recommended acceptance. One of the reviewers suggested changing the title to make it more accurate, so we made the change.
The minor revision took 19 days, with the third reviewer providing feedback. After incorporating the revisions from both rounds, the paper was recommended for acceptance.
From submission to acceptance, it took 5 and a half months. Our laboratory is not highly renowned, but the editorial department was unbiased. We encourage everyone to submit their work!
The reviewers were very meticulous, even reading through each reference. We are very grateful and have learned a lot from their feedback!

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