认证评论 - Journal of Cheminformatics
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baiqing 2023-07-11

Old magazine, good reputation, due to manuscript research direction being too specific, unable to find a second reviewer, causing a delay of 10 months. However, the magazine's quality is higher than JCIM. If not in a hurry, it is worth submitting.

阿飞Wild 2021-04-09

Require sufficient workload and all code and data to be open source.

阿飞Wild 2021-04-09

JCIM is a journal of the same caliber, with a small number of publications, but many articles worth reading.

笑忘书 2021-01-12

Surprisingly, there is only one journal containing the name "Cheminformatics" when searching for SCI journals. The articles published in this journal are quite lengthy, requiring a lot of preparation work. From data to foundational work, everything needs to be solid. I have only submitted an article once, but it was directly rejected by the editor-in-chief because it didn't align well with the journal's content.

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