认证评论 - Journal of Arid Land
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胡diao 2023-06-26

Hello, may I ask a favor? What stage does the "Under Review" status of this journal belong to?

胡diao 2023-06-26

May I ask what the submission page displays during the external review stage? Currently, mine shows "Under Review," but I'm not sure which stage it refers to.

察三少 2023-02-28

Overall, it is relatively fast. The submission was made at the end of October in the 22nd year, and acceptance was received in February of the 23rd year. The external review took a little over a month, and the re-review lasted nearly a month. The editor is very responsible.

ice90 2022-07-09

Hello, I would like to inquire which editing agency should be used for language editing when submitting to this journal?

在路上ouc 2021-07-29

Submitted at the end of February, minor revisions were made on June 1st, and the paper was accepted without further review. The reviewers were very professional and the editing process was also fast. It is a domestic SCI journal and an excellent program, worth a try.

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