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ctrl9317 2022-11-28

投 (tóu) - submit
四月末 (sì yuè mò) - end of April
7月初 (qī yuè chū) - early July
小修 (xiǎo xiū) - minor revision
8月初 (bā yuè chū) - early August
改了改 (gǎi le gǎi) - made some changes
格式 (gé shì) - format
11月初 (shí yī yuè chū) - early November
付款 (fù kuǎn) - payment
月末 (yuè mò) - end of the month
接收 (jiē shōu) - receive
校稿 (jiào gǎo) - proofread manuscript

Translation: Submitted by the end of April, underwent minor revision in early July, made some changes to the format in early August, payment made in early November, and received the proofread manuscript at the end of the month.

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