认证评论 - Arabian Journal of Chemistry
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搬砖女工人 2022-11-30

Excuse me, may I ask how you paid for the invoice? I see some people say they can use Alipay or WeChat, but I don't have those options, only a credit card option.

搬砖女工人 2022-11-18

Have you paid the handling fee? How long did it take for you to receive the payment email?

刘小康 2022-11-17

How can I contact the editor of my manuscript? No information.

刘小康 2022-11-17

Dear experts, the article has been with the editor for a month and a half. How can I contact the editor to remind them about the article? I don't have any information about the editor.

笑微微 2022-11-14

Okay. Thank you for boiled water!

饿了就喝白开水 2022-11-14

The payment link will be received in the email after 3 days.

笑微微 2022-11-14

When will I receive the payment link after accepting it? Will it be sent to me through email? Thank you.

饿了就喝白开水 2022-11-12

How long does it take for proofreading or online access after WeChat payment? Thank you.

花花草草 2022-11-11

2022.8.30 Submission
2022.9.26 Received reviewers' comments, felt the review process was quite fast. There were four reviewers, with a total of over twenty comments.
Was given two weeks to make revisions and additional experiments were needed. Due to pandemic lockdown, I couldn't access the laboratory at that time, so the revision period was extended.
2022.11.10 Revised and accepted on the same day.

ZhangYisen 2022-11-03

Finally received.
Submitted on 2022.4.6.
Under review on 4.10, waited for over three months without any news. After three reminders, it took more than 20 days for the team to reply and change the editor in August.
The second editor is very nice, often logging into the system to check. This journal has many cases of reviewers rejecting papers.
Revised on 10.28, took two weeks, and had four reviewers.
Re-submitted on 2022.11.3, accepted the same day.

笑微微 2022-11-02

Have you submitted it for review yet?

笑微微 2022-11-02

My is still with the editor orz.

叶燕然 2022-10-29

The invoice matter has been resolved, and the payment instructions above are crystal clear~~ Wishing everyone acceptance of their research papers!!

叶燕然 2022-10-29

Yes, there is no major or minor revision, it is directly a revise, make a good improvement.
Most of my review comments are about formatting issues, quite professional, and the suggestions given are also very good.
The second requirement asked me to conduct an experiment, I did it seriously but failed to achieve the results.
I resubmitted on September 8th and got accepted the same day, this journal is quite good.

4523 2022-10-28

In this year's 2022 ranking, do you all think this journal can maintain its position in Zone 2? Please share your thoughts.

tznjhz 2022-10-11

It has been about 10 days, I estimate that we will have to wait for another month. Since you have more time, you can try to push for it.

笑微微 2022-10-11

No, how long has it been since your return with the editor?

tznjhz 2022-10-11

@Xiao Wei Wei, do you have any news about your manuscript?

笑微微 2022-10-09

It has been a month and it hasn't been reviewed yet. How unlucky!

张根硕123 2022-10-09

It has been almost a month now, and I reminded the editor after half a month, but it wasn't effective.

笑微微 2022-10-09

Reply to tznjhz: Yes, it's Abdulrahman A. Alwarthan, Ph.D. After I submitted the revised manuscript, they mentioned on September 25th that the editor started processing it. Now it's already October 9th.

tznjhz 2022-10-09

@Xiao Wei Wei, my edited version also took a long time with the editor. May I ask who is the editor in charge?

笑微微 2022-10-09

Did it continue with the editor for a month after the repair? Did it not go for a second review? Are you there, dear? Looking forward to your reply.

花花草草 2022-10-09

8 reviewers?! I'm already frustrated with four reviewers, and there are so many review comments. Does it mean that if I make modifications according to the review comments, my paper will most likely be accepted?

花花草草 2022-10-09

Excuse me, are you Xiao Xiu? How many suggestions do you have?

花花草草 2022-10-09

Is your revision comment extensive? Does this journal only have revisions, or does it also include major or minor revisions?

花花草草 2022-10-09

I think you can wait a little longer. I submitted it on August 30th, and received the review comments on September 26th.

笑微微 2022-10-08

Does it take 7 months to reject? Why is it so slow? What's the situation?

4523 2022-10-07

When will I be online after payment? Thank you.

笑微微 2022-10-06

Wow, didn't you ask a few days ago if you would continue working with the editor after returning from a major overhaul? Did you directly accept it?

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