认证评论 - Archives of Medical Science
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桑医生 2022-10-13

Finally withdrew the manuscript, can't afford to delay any longer, might as well consider the page fee as feeding the dogs.

桑医生 2022-10-13

Share the experience of two articles. One article was rejected directly in less than three months, with the reason being that they received too many submissions and could only select a few. This reason is really ridiculous. The other article took half a year to be accepted, and then there was no proofreading or publication. They didn't reply to my emails either. The efficiency of this magazine is absolutely infuriating.
It's better to rely on a reputable major publishing house. I don't understand who would be foolish enough to submit to this one.

彼岸花 2022-08-03

Did your article get published in the end? How long after acceptance was it published?

彼岸花 2022-08-03

May I ask how long it takes for your article to be published after it is accepted?

彼岸花 2022-08-03

Does it take a long time from acceptance to publication for this magazine? Did your article finally get published? How long did it take for it to be published after acceptance?

彼岸花 2022-08-03

Did your article get published in the end? How long after acceptance was it published?

无为2022 2022-07-21

Really slow, it's been 3 years and it has been accepted and proven, but it is not published, there is no publication date. I send emails to magazines, publishers, editors, and chief editors every 2 weeks, but there is no reply.

水刊杀手 2022-05-15

Super trash magazine, even after taking money, it doesn't get published and remains in an accepted status for two years. Why isn't this kind of harmful magazine kicked out?

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