认证评论 - ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

lease 2023-05-19

After several months of submitting, I hope to receive some positive feedback by the end of the year.

1234885 2022-12-25

Why is it always "Under review" as soon as I submit? How can I find out the specific progress?

橘子菊 2022-11-27

The text "2022-12-25 submit" is already in English.

limengran 2022-09-24

2021.12.15 submit
2022.4.14 R1 (Major Revision)
2022.5.24 R1 submit
2022.7.19 R2 (Minor Revision)
2022.8.2 R2 submit
2022.9.21 accept

First review: Four reviewers, one acceptance, one minor revision, two major revisions.
Second review: Originally four reviewers, three acceptances, one minor revision. New reviewer suggests minor revisions.
Finally, all reviewers accept.

The field of graph neural networks for data mining is strict in terms of reviewing, and the expert opinions are professional. However, the review process is quite long. During the three rounds of review, three reminders were sent. After a reminder, there would usually be a response within a week, and the results would be available after some time (whether the reminder was effective or it was just luck?).

It feels like the classification of data mining by the Chinese Academy of Sciences is not very friendly. TKDE is only in the second tier, and TKDD is in the third tier...

plzhai 2022-05-17

Goddess-level journal in the field of data mining, a few years ago it was still CCF A, but now it has been downgraded to Zone 3 in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. What a joke!

sheeperyang 2022-03-28

2021-5-13 submitted
2021-8-10 major revision
2021-9-27 revision submitted
2021-10-23 accepted


2021-5-13 submitted
2021-8-10 major revision
2021-9-27 revision submitted
2021-10-23 accepted

lwhn 2021-05-25

Can I ask if it is necessary to publicly acquire when submitting? If it is publicly acquired, do I need to pay for the layout fees? If it is not publicly acquired, does it mean I don't need to be paid for the manuscript?

JackieTai 2021-03-23

2019-2-13 submitted
2019-5-25 major revision
2019-7-6 revision submitted
2019-9-1 minor revision
2019-9-11 revision submitted
2019-10-2 accepted


2019-2-13 submitted
2019-5-25 major revision
2019-7-6 revision submitted
2019-9-1 minor revision
2019-9-11 revision submitted
2019-10-2 accepted

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