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rainday 2022-12-12

The research content is the synthesis of rare earth materials, and the submission experience is good. Metallurgical journals generally have a low impact factor, and I hope your journal will continue to improve!

2022.7.30 Submitted to journal
2022.8.1 With editor
2022.8.5 Under review
2022.11.18 Major revision
2022.11.24 Revised
2022.12.11 Accept

wumin3504 2022-11-13

It was not until November 12th when it was submitted for review. It took almost five months to submit it, my goodness!

rainday 2022-10-10

I almost cried too. It was submitted on July 30, 2022, and until October 10, 2022, it's still under review. Is this the pace for a three-month external review?

planabc 2022-10-01

I submitted it on July 29th, and it is still under review. I'm crying.

wumin3504 2022-09-20

I submitted on July 25th, and as of September 20th, it is still "with editor." I'm crying.

planabc 2022-09-20

I have also been waiting for a month and a half, still under review.

rainday 2022-09-17

Original text: 楼主,请问这审稿时间一般是多久呀?我这都外审一个半月了,一点消息也没有,好心急好心急

Translation: OP, may I ask how long the review process usually takes? It has been a month and a half since I submitted it for external review, but there is still no news. I am getting really anxious.

rainday 2022-09-10

This is my first submission to this journal, and my research area is the synthesis of rare earth materials.
It has been over a month since I submitted, but I have not received any feedback or results yet. I hope for a positive outcome.

峰雨 2022-07-21

Hello, how long after confirmation can it be published?

峰雨 2022-06-21

Hello, I would like to ask about this journal. I submitted it in March and got a response in early June. It took 20 days to return. I'm wondering how long it will take to be published if it gets accepted. Please reply.

雁笑云散 2022-05-24

Why do I always get the prompt "The characters you entered did not match the characters in the image. Please check the characters and try again."? The problem is, I didn't see any image.

什克 2022-03-01

Just answer the questions one by one, and generally, your submission will not be rejected again.

AUSTIN 2022-01-04

Several classmates around me have submitted their papers, and the basic review period is at least three months. They have submitted for almost three months, but it feels like their submissions have been ignored, and the review process is extremely slow.

巴扎黑 2021-12-27

After the major renovation, will you also provide an external audit?

巴扎黑 2021-12-27

I would like to inquire, after the repair, will it still be sent for an external audit?

呆呆 2021-12-25

Hello, may I ask how many days are needed with the editor?

高级打工人 2021-12-21

It is indeed fast, recommended.

什克 2021-10-12

I have received two articles, with an impact factor of 1.499 in SCI Q3. The cost-effectiveness is acceptable, as it is free of charge. It's quite good that the review process does not exceed one month.

什克 2021-10-12

It is relatively easy to get published without any charges.

YY-JC 2021-09-14

Hello, is this journal chargeable?

Boss King 2021-08-11

Where can I find the Copyright Transfer Statement?

Boss King 2021-08-11

Where can I find the Copyright Transfer Statement?

Boss King 2021-08-11

Where can I find the Copyright Transfer Statement?

Boss King 2021-08-11

Where can I download the Copyright Transfer Statement?

RicKillMercy 2021-04-20

There is a requirement for plagiarism check, and my submission was rejected before the New Year due to a high similarity rate. After revising the manuscript:

Submitted on 3.4
Sent for review on 3.10
Major revision on 4.18 with 7 minor comments from the reviewer
Accepted directly on 4.20

It was much faster than expected. I thought it still needed to go through the reviewer, but the editor accepted it directly. Arup Dasgupta is very efficient.
My junior just submitted a revised article, so it should be accepted soon.

YTJZl 2021-03-05

Hello, may I ask if you have a specific time for publication after receiving? Or do you need to email the editor for further contact?

小涛 2021-01-17

The article submitted in early August, received comments for major revisions in early September, uploaded revised comments in early October, and notified in mid-December that the article has been accepted for minor revisions.

一丁雨 2021-01-17

Is there any publication fee for this journal? How long does the review process usually take?

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