认证评论 - International Journal of Antennas and Propagation
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LittlePhoenix 2023-01-18

Pending approval for over a month! I have been sending emails and always receiving replies saying there will be updates and I will be notified as soon as possible!

LittlePhoenix 2023-01-17

May I ask if there was a notification sent for the "accepted" status before the notification for "published," as well as a notification for payment?

WAITING1 2023-01-02

When did you submit it? Is it in the first review stage now?

LittlePhoenix 2023-01-01

The first trial took three months, and it has been three weeks since pending approval without any results. Is there anyone who has been waiting for a longer time than me?

WAITING1 2022-12-17

Hello, after you submitted to the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, did you ask all the authors to respond to this step? Or did you not manage it?

WAITING1 2022-12-17

Hello, are you asking all authors to register an account for this journal later?

WAITING1 2022-12-14

Hello, may I ask where you found the submission template? Can you give me a hint? I couldn't find it on the official website. Thank you very much.

wzg410447009 2022-11-07

I need all authors to respond. Do you know the situation now? I have also encountered it.

马小马 2022-08-04

2022.5.26 submit
2022.6.25 major revision requested
2022.7.15 minor revision requested
2022.7.23 major revision requested (I didn't misunderstand, it's a major revision, but there aren't any significant issues. The reviewer mainly provided many suggestions regarding grammar and wording. They basically made changes word by word and sentence by sentence, and even provided detailed explanations on how to improve. It can be said that they were very nice.)
2022.8.3 published
There were two reviewers, and one of them provided many suggestions on grammar and wording. They basically made changes word by word and sentence by sentence, and even provided detailed explanations on how to improve. It can be said that they were very nice.

11 2021-08-17

Can I ask if you can publish only simulation results in the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation that you submitted to? Thank you.

中華小萌神 2021-07-29

Hindawi's journals, overall, are very efficient, and typically provide review results in just over a month. The reviewers are extremely meticulous and pay attention to even the usage of commas. When encountering some internet issues while submitting revised manuscripts, directly emailing the editor will lead to an immediate resolution. The service is truly excellent.

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