认证评论 - Transplant Immunology
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

能帮我发SCI嘛 2021-05-17

Currently, I have submitted a review article to the journal.

2021-4-24: Submitted to Journal
2021-4-26: Under Editor's Review
2021-4-28: Under Review
2021-5-13: Still Under Review
2021-5-14: Revision (Minor Revision)
2021-5-14: Re-submitted to Journal
2021-5-14: Under Editor's Review
2021-5-17: Accepted

During the first review stage, there were two changes in the "Under Review" timeline, and I'm not sure of the reason. In the end, there was only one reviewer, who provided only one comment.

Our laboratory has submitted several articles to this journal, and all of them have been accepted. The key factor is the extremely fast review process and high acceptance rate.

能帮我发SCI嘛 2021-04-11

The reviewing speed is really fast. Our laboratory has already had several articles accepted, with extremely fast reviewing process. (IF=1.624; Q3 zone)

2021/01/29 submitted to journal

2021/02/01 With Editor

2021/02/01 Under Review

2021/02/04 Required Reviews Completed

2021/02/04 minor revision

2021/02/05 re-submitted

2021/02/05 accepted

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