认证评论 - Traitement du Signal
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

fxx 2022-11-15

So now, what is the result for you? Have you got the result?

R小白 2022-10-03

Has the review status been updated, everyone? Mine has been in "waiting for reviewers to be selected" for over three months now.

Jaker 2022-09-17

May I ask why the official website mentions APC fees? Isn't it an non-OA journal? Is it free to submit or do we have to pay a fee?

sunshineflf 2022-07-12

May I ask what is the specific status of the review? Is yours "Waiting for reviewers to be selected?" Mine has been in this state for over a year.

xxjjxx 2022-06-25

How is the time on the journal introduction arranged? Isn't it supposed to take 3 to 4 weeks to produce the results?

xxjjxx 2022-06-25

It has been a month already, and it is still in submission. The editor does not respond to emails either. I am considering withdrawing the manuscript.

paperdog 2022-06-21

This journal is too slow. It was submitted in March, and now it is still under review. I am really frustrated. The editor is also not responding to people.

sunshineflf 2021-08-13

1 and a half months for review
The review period is unknown.

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