认证评论 - TISSUE & CELL
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yangxinzhi69 2021-10-20

The old-fashioned bimonthly magazine in the UK, IF in 2021 is 2.466, and they do not charge for page fees! Submitted on October 1st, 2020, the first notification of the review results was received in May 2021 (major revision). After making revisions and conducting a small experiment, it was directly accepted. The initial draft had some spelling and grammar errors as it had not been proofread by an English language editing company. After the major revision, I sought the assistance of an English language editing company and corrected some pronunciation and grammar errors. The time between submission and the first review result was more than 7 months! This may be due to a shortage of reviewers for various journals, resulting in slow review speed. It is not recommended to submit to this journal if you are in a hurry to graduate or complete your project. The reviewers were quite meticulous, and after making revisions based on their comments, I felt that the quality of the paper had improved significantly.

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