注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Melvin 2022-12-12

The German editors are very good, they work quickly and reviewed it for two months.
There were three reviewers, one rejected it and suggested two major revisions, with the reason for rejection being just one sentence. The editor asked for the major revisions.
After the revisions were made, there were some minor formatting changes suggested.
Finally, it was accepted.

pmlqiuqiuqiu 2022-10-17

Hello, I would like to ask, if "YES" is selected for the Reporting of Experimental Results in the additional information section, there is an option to submit a Validation Report file in the attach files section. However, there is no corresponding Validation Report file name in the options below. How should it be submitted?

新大杨博 2022-08-24

Do I need line numbers when submitting the manuscript?

Alexander-wz 2022-05-30

2022.4.23 Submission to Journal
2022.4.27 With editor
2022.4.28 Under Review
2022.5.19 Under Review
2022.5.20 Minor revision (Rene Androsch)
2022.5.21 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.5.21 With Editor
2022.5.23 Under Review
2022.5.23 Minor revision (Rene Androsch)
2022.5.25 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.5.27 Accepted

yason. 2022-05-07

A very poor experience, not worth investing.

漫索手心 2022-04-20

The reviewer is very professional. There is one major revision round and one minor revision round. Acceptance and publication.

spring_sh 2021-12-17

Sharing the submission process with everyone:
2021.10.05 submitted to Journal
2021.10.07 with editor
2021.10.07 under review
2021.10.27 major revision
2021.11.29 revised manuscript submitted to Journal
2021.12.14 minor revision
2021.12.15 accept

I misunderstood the previous review timeline, thinking it was the response time for the first review comments. The actual review process took 2.5 months. The speed and quality were both excellent, and I hope it is helpful for everyone.

spring_sh 2021-12-17

German reviewers, the review process is very fast, the review comments are professional, worth recommending.

AACCEPT 2021-08-26

Submitted 53 days ago, underwent major revisions. Three reviewers provided a total of 27 comments, carefully considering each aspect of the article. Returned to the editorial department after 12 days and accepted the following day, demonstrating high efficiency. The whole process took two months. It is the first SCI paper for the author, making them particularly happy. Wishing TCA continued success.

YNJ 2021-03-01

2020/10/23 submitted
2021/02/25 accept
During the process, there were two major revisions and one minor revision. In the first major revision, the editor raised a question regarding the selection of the dynamic model, and both reviewers provided over 40 questions. It took over a month to respond to the letter, and the content was longer than the main text. In the second major revision, one of the reviewers provided suggestions on the structure of the article, which were then incorporated into the modifications. The third minor revision mainly addressed issues with sentence construction. Both the editor and the reviewers were very responsible and paid close attention to detail. As a result of the three revisions, the quality of the article significantly improved.

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