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yuanchaohi 2021-05-28

AME is a more established magazine, although in recent years, it has been affected by OA, resulting in a decrease in impact factor. However, the professionalism and seriousness of the reviewers have not diminished at all. The first review took two months, with two minor revisions and one major revision. The responsible editor agreed with the major revision suggestions and provided many other suggestions, including formatting citations and creating charts. About a month after the revision meeting, the feedback was returned, requesting minor revisions. A few days later, it was returned again, and one week later, it was accepted. It has now been published. The process from submission to publication took approximately 7 months. I am speechless about the classification in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as even the upgraded version has been downgraded to the fourth tier. Well, whatever you say, that's how it is. Anyway, you wouldn't understand.

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