认证评论 - SHOCK
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

洗心革面,一心发文章 2023-06-25

How do I apply for an exemption?

hanlidemeng 2023-05-30

How long does the status "with editor" last for your submitted article?

hanlidemeng 2023-05-30

It has been 2 weeks and it is still in "with editor" status. Has anyone encountered this situation?

nightkids 2023-03-13

I submitted the article at the beginning of January and paid a review fee of 75 dollars. In early February, after some revisions, it was accepted in the middle of the month. The whole process was fast and smooth. I don't know how to apply for an exemption from the review fee. Wishing everyone a smooth submission process.

hoo翾 2022-12-10

You can apply for an exemption.

邓萌 2022-12-10


You have to pay a $75 manuscript review fee!!!!!!!!!

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