注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

鲁鲁 2023-07-17

Hi, may I ask how long did it take for you to get confirmation after resubmitting the modified review? It has been over a month since I first submitted it, and it took four months for the initial review.

浪潮儿 2021-04-26

2021.01.10 Submission
2021.02.11 First repair
2021.04.09 Second repair
2021.04.22 Acceptance

I am fortunate to be invited to write a comprehensive review on adsorption kinetic models titled "In-depth insights into mathematical characteristics, selection criteria and common mistakes of adsorption kinetic models: A critical review". It will be useful for beginners in the field of adsorption modeling.

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