注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

sci小菜鸡 2023-05-26

Can this journal accept Word files directly without following the text format provided by the journal?

小陈 2023-03-26

May I ask how much the layout fee is?

liuliulu 2022-11-23

Excuse me, OP, after being hired for the first time, when will the acceptance be received after modifying the template?

GAO。wh 2022-10-24

Senior, may I ask how to register an account on SCIENCEASIA?

人工智能奋斗狗 2022-10-22

May I ask how much is the layout fee?

Strawbeery 2022-05-10

Does this belong to sci?

幽幽见南山 2022-01-27

Posted in July 2021, received an email layout fee in January 2022, and made two revisions during the period (after the first revision, it was also proofread).

kenny1 2021-12-05

I would like to ask how long it takes for the editor to make the first decision after submission.

小陈QWE 2021-12-03

The review process is quite fast, mainly because the editorial board is very serious. I submitted the manuscript around July and made several revisions intermittently. It was accepted in early December and I have already received it. As long as I make good revisions, it is quite good. I hope the journal will continue to improve.

kenny1 2021-11-27

After submission, how long does it take for the editor to reply?

lorry 2021-11-17

Excuse me, what is this password? Why can't I log in?

zwj111 2021-10-14

It has been three months since the manuscript was submitted. Is it possible that this journal will not be published anymore? Please quickly reject my submission.

zwj111 2021-09-06

It has been two months since the manuscript review, and there has been no news so far.

不知道叫什么111 2021-08-10

Could you please share the submission process? Thank you!

Henk 2021-07-28

Is the acceptance rate high for this journal? How about the speed of the review process and acceptance?

SCI属于我 2021-07-16

Asian Science: Fast, responsible editing, rigorous peer review, low publication fees, and a powerful name! For ordinary researchers like us who are not experts, it can be said that this journal is very ideal.

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