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锤子&榔头 2023-01-16

Posted on 2022/06/11, the plagiarism check failed quickly, so I made revisions and submitted it again. I confirmed with the editor that it was sent for review. It has been in the reviewing status ever since, for nearly seven months now ?. I have followed up twice, but was told to wait. I don't know if it's hopeless. I wonder if I can apply for expedited processing? As a newbie, I have lost confidence.

lee1997 2021-12-07

Where did you see this news? It has been stopped from being searched for a year.

weijp81 2021-09-23

Is it accurate that the Chinese Academy of Sciences has suspended retrieval for one year? Where can I find the official notice?

gaoyuanaiwanglu 2021-09-10

He was only temporarily suspended from retrieval by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for one year. It will be fine in 2022.

gaoyuanaiwanglu 2021-09-10

Posted in December 2020, approximately one month later, it appeared in the hands of the reviewers. This state continued for 8 months, and by the end of August 2021, a direct acceptance notice was sent. There were two reminders in between, but they seemed ineffective as the editor's responses were superficial.

Luo Z 2021-03-31

It has been a month since I applied, but there has been no response after registration. It feels so slow.

NC-IIE 2021-03-15

Posted on January 24th, sent for external review on February 8th, and still no news until now!

NC-IIE 2021-03-12

It is SCI, but it is too slow. The submission was sent for external review 15 days later, and now it has been over a month since the external review started. This has directly made us, who are writing this article for graduation, extremely frustrated.

YY-JC 2021-03-08

Does this journal still count as SCI even though its submission page says it is not indexed by WOS?

YY-JC 2021-03-08

Is this journal still SCI? The submission interface indicated that it is no longer indexed by WOS, so can it still be considered as a graduation thesis?

NC-IIE 2021-03-03

This journal has been free of charge since this year. I wonder if it will have any connection with becoming slower.

lgogo888 2021-03-02

I submitted my manuscript on October 28th and received the review results on November 19th, which took less than a month.

NC-IIE 2021-03-01

Do you know how long this journal gives reviewers for the review process?

NC-IIE 2021-03-01

I have already reminded once, and I feel embarrassed to remind again. I can only wait. The main reason is that I still need to complete a small essay for graduation, and I need it urgently.

lgogo888 2021-02-27

This journal has a relatively fast acceptance rate, but the formal publication process is a bit slow. If you are in a hurry, you can expedite the formal publication by paying extra.

lgogo888 2021-02-27

It should be soon. They have their own system for submissions, which is not very user-friendly. If you want to submit, it's best to send an email to confirm. In my personal opinion, it's better that way.

NC-IIE 2021-02-22

About half a month later, a reminder letter was sent for external review. Half a month has passed, and the external review has not yet returned.

故事的小黄花 2021-02-13

I am upstairs and would like to seek advice. Please take a look at my question. Thank you very much.

lgogo888 2021-02-07

There is a contact email above, it's best to send an email to inquire, they reply quickly and warmly.

NC-IIE 2021-02-05

I have been waiting for half a month, and they only gave me a registration code. The status hasn't changed at all. I feel like it will be slower than expected, not just one month.

NC-IIE 2021-01-30

The article was submitted a week ago, why does the status still show as "Registration"?

lgogo888 2021-01-22

The journal is good, and the reviewers are also very professional. After more than a month of revisions, it was accepted.

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