认证评论 - Applied and Computational Mathematics
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

浮白 2023-07-28

What is the submission URL? Even if you click on the one you sent, you can't find it.

lyx 2022-11-03

Already 6 months.

chengguoduoduo 2022-09-20

It has been three months under review, still no news.

lyx 2022-09-14

Like you, I have been investing for 4 months and still have no news.

suu111 2022-09-13

Now, has the status changed? It has been over two months and it has been under review the whole time. I haven't received any email from the journal confirming the receipt of my submission. Is this situation normal?

漫漫科研虫 2022-06-03

When did you vote? How long has it been?

lyx 2022-05-24

Is it normal for the status to be "under review" all the time?

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