认证评论 - Radiation Oncology
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

氨酚黄那敏 2022-12-10

I would like to ask, is this oncology journal about radiation oncology? Can I submit pure oncology articles to this journal?

123ccr 2022-11-30

2022.9.1 Submission
9.20 Major revision
9.30 Submission
10.7 Minor revision
10.10 Submission
11.29 Accepted

letpub000 2021-06-25

One of the few professional journals in the field of tumor radiation therapy and nuclear medicine.

风行未来 2021-06-16

It has been 2 and a half months since the submission, and it has always been a request for reviewers. After several reminders, the responses received are all official replies, with no changes in punctuation marks.

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