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简单点再简单点 2023-04-10

The result is unknown after 9 months.

奋斗wyq 2023-03-22

The result is unknown after 7 months.

Doc.fan 2023-03-14

How much time did you use?

Doc.fan 2023-03-14

How long did it take?

kaikaiwang 2023-02-16

Hope the first SCI article gets accepted!

LP 2022-09-04

What does it mean for the status to change from "Peer review in process" to "Awaiting Recommendation" and then back to "Peer review in process"?

Doc.fan 2022-02-16

The speed is relatively slow, but the content of the article meets the requirements of the journal, so it is relatively easy to submit for review. There were a total of two reviewers, and after two minor revisions, it was successfully accepted, taking a total of 5 months!!!

数学小菜鸟 2022-01-06

I submitted two articles. The first one was rejected by other magazines, so I extensively revised it and submitted it to this one. It was modified twice and accepted after three months. The second article was modified three times and accepted after five months. Overall, the review speed was quite fast, and the editorial attitude was also very good.

kk_ 2021-12-30

September 22nd: Submission
October 14th: Major revision
November 17th: Feedback
December 11th: Acceptance

绷不住了 2021-08-29

I have previously submitted and reviewed an article, but this time the editor rejected it directly within three days, saying it does not align with the journal's direction. I suggest that friends who plan to submit articles should focus on writing in the direction of applied technology regarding the structure and intention of the article. Overly pure frictional mechanics theory or overly complex formulas may not appeal to the editors.

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