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鹿鹿要努力毕业 2023-07-17

Still can't retrieve it? So slow. It's really been a long time since November.

小柴柴要努力 2023-07-17

The retrieval is slow. I submitted my article in July last year, it was accepted in November, but it has not been retrieved yet. The change from "pending decision" to "under review" may be because the reviewers did not agree to review it, so the editor needs to invite some more reviewers.

买呆儿 2023-07-14

It was revised and then went through three pending decisions before becoming under review.

买呆儿 2023-07-14

The third time it became a pending decision, and then it changed back to "Under review". What's going on?

xiaoduan 2023-07-13

Today it changed from "pending editor decision" to "sent to reviewers" again.

xiaoduan 2023-07-12

Today, it was changed from "sent to reviewers" to "pending editor decision" again.

xiaoduan 2023-07-12

I just checked the status now, and it has changed back to "pending editor decision" again.

鹿鹿要努力毕业 2023-07-10

It seems like mine was also sent two days ago. Don't worry, I was originally planning to proofread it, but I've been delayed for a long time. I'm thinking maybe there's a shortage of editors at the journal or some other issue. Don't worry, let's wait a little longer. If there's still no news in two days, you can send an email to ask them.

tqyms 2023-07-10

7.8 Notification of journal acceptance, but no payment link has been sent until 7.10. The payment portal cannot be found in the system. Is there anyone who has experienced a similar situation?

鹿鹿要努力毕业 2023-07-09

May I ask, I have received the acceptance notification and also paid the page fee. On June 27th, I sent an email inquiring about when the proof will be conducted, and the reply stated that I need to wait. It has been nearly 20 days since payment, and there is still no news. Does proof usually take this long? ?

xiaoduan 2023-07-07

Today it shows "sent to reviewers" again. I guess it's because they couldn't find the reviewers before.

xiaoduan 2023-07-04

Posted on June 28th, and that night it showed "sent to reviewers". On the evening of July 3rd, it started showing "pending editor decision". What does this mean? Can anyone help interpret? Thank you.

买呆儿 2023-06-30

Submitted at 3.30, after revising based on the comments from the review on April 20, it went through two rounds of "under review pending decision," and then it went "under review" again. What is happening?

买呆儿 2023-06-30

After the revision of the reviewer's comments on April 20th, it went through two pending decisions and then went back to being under review. Brothers, what is happening here?

买呆儿 2023-06-30

After the revision of the comments from the review on April 20th, there were two pending decisions, and then it went under review again. Could you please clarify what this situation is?

鹿鹿要努力毕业 2023-06-30

I haven't seen the proof for a week. I saw some comments saying that this journal's retrieval is especially slow. ? (Thanks, OP! ?)

小柴柴要努力 2023-06-27

I received the proof in just a few days, but it has not been indexed by SCI yet.

鹿鹿要努力毕业 2023-06-25

Hello, the first time I submitted to a foreign journal, I would like to ask how long it will take for me to receive the proof after my payment has been confirmed? Have you received any updates on your submission, and how long does it usually take to receive the search results? Thank you, OP.

小柴柴要努力 2023-06-14

My submission is in the second phase, it has been a long time, and it has not been indexed yet. What's going on?

GOOAL 2023-06-14

I don't know. Which issue is your paper published in?

小柴柴要努力 2023-06-14

Oops, I misspoke. The second issue has not been indexed, but the third issue has been indexed. Why hasn't the second issue been indexed yet?

GOOAL 2023-06-13

It should be the second issue that has not been retrieved yet, while the third issue has already been retrieved.

小柴柴要努力 2023-06-13

Why hasn't the third issue of 2023 been indexed by SCI yet? Does anyone know?

学术垃圾521 2023-06-04

It's okay, thank you, big brother.

天然菜鸟 2023-06-04

Not really. It's just that you can pay fees and go online in advance. At most, it can be considered a hybrid type.

学术垃圾521 2023-06-02

Excuse me, brothers, does this belong to an open access journal?

天然菜鸟 2023-05-22

I received feedback that is similar. However, the review status is requiring revisions. Is it the same for you? Also, did the experts provide any general comments, such as lack of practical significance or insufficient innovation? I received one comment like this, but I'm not sure why. The rest is mostly about formatting changes.

彬彬123 2023-05-22

May 2nd notification: accept after changes suggested by review. May 6th: revised. May 15th: under review. May 17th: pending editor decision. May 20th: accept without change.

天然菜鸟 2023-05-22

Congratulations, host. I have a question for you. On what date did you fix it?

彬彬123 2023-05-20

May 20th, accept without change.

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