注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

kooan 2022-05-25

How are you doing now? How long has it been submitted for review? Any news?

Sky9001 2022-05-02

2022-5.2投 means "2022-5.2 has been invested" in English.

luoJZ 2022-01-29

Hello, can you share your submission experience? Do I need to check for plagiarism or provide any other information?

luoJZ 2022-01-29

Hello! Does this journal require plagiarism check? Can you share some submission experience?

adaice 2022-01-11

The journal editor has been asking for formatting changes, but it hasn't been submitted for review yet. After making the required changes, it was returned to request a resubmission. This has happened twice already. I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced this situation?

京东天猫 2021-09-27

How is it now?

dscary 2021-08-20

It has been a month, still no news. I don't know what to do. I am from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, not sure if I can send it.

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