注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

lulu拉拉的sci 2022-10-13

I chose biological control. The editor is very efficient.

anxuanxian 2022-09-21

May I ask what kind of article you submitted? Is the editor responsive?

lulu拉拉的sci 2022-06-14

Finally, it's my turn to share. This journal is from the American Phytopathological Society. Although the impact factor is low, the quality is really good. The reviewers have strict requirements for the experimental design and even stricter language control. I tried using the Elsevier website for language polishing twice, but it didn't work, so the editor personally made the modifications. Very nice.

Submission timeline:
April 21, 2021: Submitted
May 20, 2021: Rejected, revised and resubmitted (added genomic data and reanalyzed the overall experimental data using bioinformatics)
December 1, 2021: Submitted
February 14, 2022: Major revision
April 21, 2022: Revised
May 24, 2022: Accepted with minor revisions
June 1, 2022: Revised
June 5, 2022: Accepted with minor revisions
June 7, 2022: Revised
July 14, 2022: Accepted

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