注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

清玖诶 2022-10-26

May I ask what the table of contents for the submission requirements is? I also didn't see any specific examples.

Wahasiki 2022-10-07

2022.6.8 Submission
2022.8.2 Notification of first revision
2022.8.22 Upload after completing revisions
2022.9.21 Second revision
2022.9.22 Upload after completing revisions
2022.9.22 Accepted
2022.10.7 Early View

chenl 2021-07-21

In the middle of August two years ago, it decreased to Zone 4 in just over two months.

chenl 2021-07-21

My first paper, since being selected, has dropped to the fourth zone within just two or three months.

大超哥 2021-05-18

The journal is very efficient, and the reviewers are also serious and responsible. As long as the attitude towards revision is good and proper, there are basically no issues. Hopefully, it can be promoted to the third tier before the scholarship evaluation. Overall, I am very satisfied.

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