认证评论 - Petroleum Science
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武痴马保国 2023-04-12

It is not a top-tier publication, but previously dividing it into Zone 1 was somewhat extreme and far from the quality of articles in real Zone 1.

keaidewazi 2023-03-13

In the comments, some people see that this journal is published domestically and think it is a low-quality journal. They submit articles that may not even be enough for the third or fourth tier journals, and if their articles are not accepted, they think it is rubbish. When everyone submits articles for job evaluation, isn't it based on the impact factor? I think the difference in impact factor between this journal and JPSE is not significant, and the categorization is also reasonable. It's just that when they can't get their articles published, they become angry.

keaidewazi 2023-03-13

Which expert or professor doesn't screen their own graduate students before reviewing papers nowadays? With so many submissions, do we really have to let the experts personally review all the trash? If your article can be published, it must have been carefully reviewed by experts. If you can't even pass the first screening by your own graduate students, what else is there to say?

人生如梦 2023-02-25

Posted on January 5, 2022, received on February 16, 2023, so difficult...

Gstone 2023-02-08

Xiao Xiu was rejected, there are people who are even more miserable than this.

Bysleep 2023-02-04

After receiving it, it becomes the second area, very face-giving!!!

WWWWWh 2022-12-26

Submitted about ten pages once, layout fee of 9800 yuan. It was considered worth it when it was in the first zone, but now in the second zone, it feels like it's not as good as investing in JPSE.

林昔一 2022-12-24

Excuse me, is this journal accepting manuscript submissions via email? I received a manuscript submission email, but the system still shows "under review," and I haven't received any further updates after sending it.

林昔一 2022-12-24

May I ask if this journal accepts manuscript submissions by email?

武痴马保国 2022-12-23

Domestic SCI journals cannot withstand the test. The new upgraded version has directly changed from being ranked in the first district to the second or even the third district.

Xiao321 2022-12-08

Three external audits were conducted before and after, and finally accepted, lasting for six months.

miaof 2022-12-01

Half a month or Manuscript Submitted...

bonfire 2022-11-28

Cough cough, speaking fairly, Petroleum Science is indeed LJ. The original poster is correct, Beijing Petroleum's journal can be ranked in the top tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is truly beyond expectation.

山峰上看日出 2022-10-28

I also want to ask how much is the layout fee for this journal?

Smith 2022-10-25

The text "10.18投" does not have a clear meaning or context in either Chinese or English. It appears to be a combination of numbers and a Chinese character, but without additional information, it is difficult to provide an accurate translation.

青灯98 2022-10-20

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal?

武痴马保国 2022-09-30

Many foreign journals are like this, saying that due to receiving a large number of submissions, they have to reject yours.

dennnis 2022-09-28

The development of Chinese journals still has a long way to go. It is said to break the "five-only" principle, but in reality, it only needs to break this one principle: "Only Relationship".

bonfire 2022-09-28

Who on earth would submit their work to this journal? Its quality is even worse than Chinese core journals. It's a joke to forcefully push it into the top tier of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

华东大铭哥 2022-09-14

Objectively speaking, the reviewers and editors are quite diligent and responsible. After going through three rounds of external review, it was finally accepted.

人生如梦 2022-08-21

Initial Date Submitted: Jan 5, 2022
Current Status: Under Review

It has been 7 months and there is still no news of the first review. It's too slow...

妮莉艾露·杜·欧德修凡克 2022-07-01

Shameless, this journal being in the top of the first district is far-fetched! It harms people.

luke 2022-06-03

Hahahaha, already rejected.

WWWWWh 2022-06-03

This situation is not just likely, it is 100% certain to be rejected. Hurry up and switch to another option.

luke 2022-05-31

Already submitted for a week, the status changed directly from "With editor" to "Decision in Process". There is a higher possibility of rejection, so I will just wait.


Submitted for four months.

songyilei 2022-05-01

Your knowledge is really limited, so funny.

StevenNI 2022-03-22

Haha, I started investing in April, using an old system. It went through two major repairs and was finally fixed in October. There was only one reviewer, and the result was rejection. In February of this year, I reminded the editor and they found another reviewer, but it still didn't come back for review. The system will be closed at the end of this month, and the editor directly rejected it. You are considered lucky, as you are only one month behind me.

娜样从容 2022-03-17

Submit together in both English and Chinese versions in May 2021, then request to resubmit with a new system.
External review started in September 2021 and has been ongoing...
A reminder was sent in January 2022, and the editor said the speed is normal, it's just in external review.
Directly rejected in March 2022...
Uh, um, uh... almost in tears.

娜样从容 2022-03-15

It has been six months since submission, and there are still no results. My mentality has already collapsed.

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