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嘤嘤嘤123456 2023-06-06

He chose to submit it because he loves Elsevier and it is free of charge. Unexpectedly, it was accepted quite quickly. There were three reviewers, one of whom did not provide any comments, while the other two gave a few suggestions. After making the required revisions, it was accepted promptly.

zzzz1995 2022-02-16

Old magazines, although their distribution is low, are not completely unreadable. However, my first experience publishing in SCI was extremely frustrating. I submitted to the PI in February 2020, but due to the impact of the pandemic, the first review took over a year and didn't come back until March 2021. It went through a minor revision, major revision, and then rejection. After completing the revisions, it was sent back in July, but it still required major revisions, which turned out to be a debate between me and one of the reviewers. The editor added another reviewer and sent it out again, and in November it came back once more for major revisions. Finally, on the first day of the Lunar New Year this year, it was accepted. The initial delay was too long, but it was evident that the editor was responsible and wanted to accept it. However, communication with the reviewers was extremely difficult. I wrote clearly, but often it was only in colloquial language in my responses that they truly understood my meaning.

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