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圆珠笔小新 2023-08-04

I am really frustrated. It took nine months for the review to come back. There were three reviewers: one accepted the paper without any comments, one rejected it without any comments, and one provided comments that had nothing to do with the submitted article, leading to its rejection by the editor. I submitted it to another journal and it has been accepted now. Because the comments were so strange and unique, I decided to wait until the paper was accepted before commenting, as I was afraid of being targeted. My advice to everyone is that this journal is like a joke, and during this period, similar articles have been published through conferences, suggesting that it was only a collision of ideas.

xxlxxx 2023-07-25

May I ask what is the final result and how long will it take to receive the news?

Lizhixin1111 2023-07-19

Extremely slow, unable to find reviewers, delayed for a year...

xxlxxx 2023-07-01

Still under review, it has been over three months.

wang0918 2023-07-01

Excuse me, have you won now?

xxlxxx 2023-06-03

1.18 Submission
3.14 Revision
3.29 No news since submitting the revised version. All feedback has been positive. Praying for a quick acceptance.

Anideal 2023-05-27

5-17 Receive

昊昊haohao 2023-05-22

I want to know how to determine if it is a major repair or a minor repair.

lizixingg 2023-05-22

May I ask if you have any updates now?

昊昊haohao 2023-05-14

How many reviewers do you have?

最优祺 2023-05-11

Finally hired, record it for everyone's reference. The journal is very slow, it took a total of eleven months from submission to acceptance, but it is also very easy. It is good for beginners in graduate school to practice, but not recommended for those in a hurry to graduate.
05-Jun-2022 submit;
30-Dec-2022 Reject and Offer Resubmit;
20-Jan-2023 resubmission;
09-May-2023 Accept.

Anideal 2023-05-10

12-22 Submission
3-10 Minor revisions, both reviewers have positive opinions
Until now, there has been no news, does it take so long to review minor revisions?

昊昊haohao 2023-04-15

Hello, how many reviewers do you have?

昊昊haohao 2023-04-12

How many reviewers does everyone have, please?

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask how you submit the first draft paper and reviewer comments. The editor asked me to submit it through this website: wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA. Then, I should find the option "create a resubmission". Can you find the option "create a resubmission"? I only saw "Start submission". I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much and have a pleasant life.

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask, how do you submit the first revision of a paper and the reviewer's comments? The editor asked me to submit it through this website: wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA, and then find "create a resubmission". Can you find the "create a resubmission" option? I only see "Start submission". I look forward to your reply and assistance. Thank you very much.

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask, how do you submit the first draft of a paper and the reviewer's comments? The editor asked me to submit it through this website wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA, and then find "create a resubmission". Can you find the option "create a resubmission"? I only see "start resubmission". Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much and have a pleasant day!

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask, how do you submit the first round paper and reviewer comments? The editor asked me to submit it through this website wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA and then find "create a resubmission". Can you find the option "create a resubmission"? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much and I wish you a happy life.

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask how you submit the first draft and reviewer comments. The editor asked me to submit it through this website wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA and then find "create a resubmission". Can you find the "create a resubmission" option? I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much and I wish you a smooth submission.

孤勇者 2023-03-26

Hello, I would like to ask how you submit the first draft of the paper and reviewer comments. The editor asked me to submit it through this website: wiley.atyponrex.com/journal/OCA. Then, I need to find "create a resubmission". Can you find the option "create a resubmission"? I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

火红的太阳 2023-03-25

It has been over four months since the first trial, and there is still no outcome. I give up.

火红的太阳 2023-02-16

It has been three months since the first trial, and there has been no progress.

火红的太阳 2023-01-05

under review has been two months already

大禹261233 2022-09-24

I have been posting here for 14 months, and there has been no progress, hahaha.

力宁 2022-09-22

I am too, Xiaoxiu has been waiting for three months.

xiaomai 2022-09-22

Xiao Xiu has been back for five months and is still in the process of reviewing the manuscript. They have been reminded twice, and both times they said they are waiting for the review.

xiaomai 2022-08-21

Too slow, Xiao Xiu has been back for four months and there are still no results.

最优祺 2022-08-18

Hello, it has been two and a half months since I submitted, and I still haven't received any results. I want to ask, how can I find out when it will actually be reviewed?

最优祺 2022-08-11

Posted on June 6th;
Under review on June 7th;
Changed ADM on July 13th;
Reminder on August 9th. The reply stated that they haven't found a reviewer yet;

It's been two months, and the review is still not done. It's really slow.

最优祺 2022-07-13

I submitted it the second day and it went directly under review. It has been one month and one week now. Yesterday, the status changed to ADM, and I don't know what it means.

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