注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

ljxccc 2023-04-18

It has been five months, and there is no news at all.

无忧0913 2023-03-21

It's really, really, really slow. I don't know what the editor is doing. They don't reply to emails either. The manuscript was submitted on October 14, 2022, and has been in the hands of the editor all this time without being sent for review. Later, we sent three reminder emails, and it was sent for review in December. Then, on January 1 and 23, 2023, the review comments should have been received, but it has been two months now and the manuscript is still with the editor. We have also sent several emails but have not received any replies.

大鸟快跑 2022-07-05

Latest IF5.83

大鸟快跑 2021-11-03

The latest Impact Factor is 5.55, and it remains as a SCI article.

豐原瑞穗人 2021-07-27

Please refer to http://jcr.help.clarivate.com/Content/data-updates.htm

The two-year impact factor is 5.462; the five-year impact factor is 6.413.

wzy818 2021-07-13

2020 IF: 5.462

wanghua 2021-07-03

Same question, why was the impact factor of this journal not included in yesterday's JCR report? Currently, the official website still states that it is SCI indexed with a self-citation rate of 2.9%. It is not on the list of suppressed or monitored journals. Please inform me of the reason for the absence of impact factor. Thank you!

笑忘书 2021-07-02

In the past two years, this journal had an impact factor of over 5 points. In 2019, it was still listed as a first-tier SCI journal and a second-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Why is it that the recently released SCI for 2021 does not show the impact factor? Is it truly excluded, or will there be a revised IF soon? We will have to wait and see, as there have been cases in the past where the IF for a journal was not initially calculated and later revised.

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