认证评论 - OIL SHALE
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hkgamer 2022-11-26

Next year, all websites will commence.

hkgamer 2022-11-26

10.3 Submission, 10.20 Initial review with minor revision and major revision, 11.20 Resubmission after modifications, 11.25 Notification of acceptance, publication next year. I thought the review process would be long, but it was really fast. A foreign anonymous reviewer suggested minor revisions. In the future, I will submit to other journals first, and if that doesn't work, I will submit to Oil Shale. There is only one SCI journal in the field of oil shale, with a low impact factor, but it is very specialized and has good editors. After modifications, it was directly accepted for publication.

小帅 2021-09-28

Old-established journal, previously receiving around 40 submissions per year. Due to not being one of the mainstream major publishers, the impact factor has consistently hovered around 1. In the past two years, the number of submissions may have decreased again, with around 20 submissions per year. Submissions are accepted via email, but the response time is relatively slow.

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