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止痛药 2023-07-02

The initial review time for the comprehensive summary is relatively long, and after modification, it will be accepted within 10,000.

yue91 2022-06-23

Returned review comments approximately three months later. @cc66699

cc66699 2022-05-20

How long does it usually take to receive the review comments? I have submitted an article for 2 and a half months, but haven't received any updates.

yue91 2022-03-11

I would like to ask a few questions. Will this magazine send email notifications? I saw the review comments on the system, but the corresponding author did not receive an email. Another question is, in the review comments on the system, only the comments from review 2 are written. Did the editor miss the others?

BCKT 2021-12-02

R1 was the reviewer, two of them agreed and thought it could be accepted, while one requested a lot of revisions. After R1 went back, there were two more reviewers, one suggested making some changes to the content, while the other suggested rejecting the submission outright, and it was directly rejected without even giving a chance to R2. Moreover, this whole process took around 8 months, which was very frustrating.

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