注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

lvzhisheng 2022-05-31

Rejected directly after one month of submission, without any feedback...

起汉水之滨 2022-05-30

Have you given reasons for rejection?

一切顺利啊 2022-05-30

Not submitted for review, delayed for almost a month and got rejected.

zw 2022-05-28

Hello, may I ask what direction and how many reviewers are there?

lvzhisheng 2022-05-28

I don't have it either. I am about to go crazy. It has been a month and it hasn't been reviewed yet.

lll 2022-05-28

After being rejected more than three months later, some reviewers were not serious at all and only wrote one or two sentences. I will never submit to this again in the future.

北巷南风丶 2022-05-27

After 102 days of submission, the manuscript was rejected. The reviewer's response was constructive, but their expertise was limited. Good luck to everyone!

一切顺利啊 2022-05-27

Your under review.

一切顺利啊 2022-05-27

Still don't regret choosing this.

lvzhisheng 2022-05-27

Hey buddy, are you under review now?

lvzhisheng 2022-05-25

People are tired, it has been a month since the submission and it is still not under review.

一切顺利啊 2022-05-25

Editor Assignment Pending since September 5th, and it still hasn't been under review. It's truly slow.

北巷南风丶 2022-05-24

2022.02.14 submitted
2022.02.15 editor assignment pending
2022.02.19 under review
2022.05.24 reviews completed
After a three-month wait, the status has finally been updated. I hope the reviewers and editors will be lenient and provide major revisions!

xiaogong214 2022-05-19

I submitted it on April 27th, and it is still being allocated for editing...

wxx1 2022-05-17

I submitted on May 5th and it has been Editor Assignment Pending since then. How long will this status last?

一切顺利啊 2022-05-15

We are almost the same upstairs. I submitted mine on September 9th, and now it is also pending editor assignment.

wang_xw 2022-05-15

I submitted on 4.29, and it has been in "Editor Assignment Pending" status. What does this status mean? Has an editor been assigned?

一切顺利啊 2022-05-14

I also did not find any place to recommend.

yunxi 2022-05-14

Can I ask if, during the first submission to the system, without recommending any reviewers, will the editor reject it? Thank you. Also, how many reviewers do people generally recommend?

yunxi 2022-05-14

May I ask if you didn't have any recommended reviewers, did the editor send it back to you and ask for recommended reviewers? How many reviewers do you need to recommend? Thank you.

认真的xx 2022-05-11

Hello, may I ask if it is necessary to indicate the modified areas in the manuscript when it is returned for revision in this journal?

运气爆好 2022-05-07

Translate the following text into English:

Submitted on November 16, 2021.
Under review until November 21, 2021.
Major revision on March 9, 2022.
Submitted revised version on March 16, 2022.
Accepted on April 27, 2022.

I want to ask friends who have already published, will they ask for proofreading after acceptance? How long does it take to receive a proof email? If there is no proofreading, how long will it take to be published online?

运气爆好 2022-05-07

May I ask if a proof will be provided after receiving it? How long will it take to receive the proof email or online?

谁来弄死我 2022-05-05

Word template link: https://www.springer.com/gp/authors-editors/journal-author/word-template-zip-154-kb-/22044

lll 2022-05-03

I don't know what's going on, and the editor's feedback hasn't come back yet.

北巷南风丶 2022-05-03

"Feedback in just two days? Such efficiency!"

lll 2022-05-03

2.24 submitted
3.6 under review
3.8 reviews completed
3.19 reviews completed
4.5 reviews completed
4.9 reviews completed
4.20 reviews completed
Hmm, have five reviewers provided their feedback? How many reviewers in total?

oopkoop 2022-04-28

I want to ask where to find the Word version of the journal template. Can anyone help me with this?

咸鱼博士 2022-04-27

It's pretty fast. I invested in April and May last year, had major repairs in September, and was hired after returning in October.

运气爆好 2022-04-16

Yes, the system status will change. On March 17th, I was under review. On March 20th, the review was completed. And now there is no update. It should be because the other reviewer who requested revisions hasn't returned their feedback yet. I'm anxious...

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