注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

滴眼液 2021-11-18

My initial review and secondary review were both completed in 3 days, and the entire review process took 23 days.

Inspirations 2021-11-17

Excuse me, boss, how long does it usually take for the "review completed" status? I have been in this status for over a month now.

滴眼液 2021-11-16

The reviewing process is relatively slow, however, it is quite friendly and still gets reviewed. Unlike some journals that procrastinate for a long time before reviewing, then the editor rejects the submission with inexplicable reasons like lack of innovation. The speed varies from person to person, as another person in the same group submitted and reviewed their article particularly quickly. It's a bit of a pity being downgraded to the third tier.

徐光猪 2021-11-06

No plagiarism, all the words are self-written, I have confidence so I didn't check.

徐昂突然 2021-11-03

Hello, may I ask if you have checked for plagiarism before submitting? I have checked my paper myself and found a similarity rate of 24%. However, I feel that the similarity rate is difficult to reduce.

mager, 2021-11-03

Yesterday at noon, I received a notification of acceptance for the revised version. This is my first article as a graduate student, and I am grateful for the editor's mercy in sparing it.
2021/7/5: Submitted
2021/7/22: Under review
2021/10/22: Reviews completed
2021/11/2: Minor Revision (Accepted with amendments)

扣群616873871 2021-11-03

This journal is good, right?

徐光猪 2021-11-02

The first review took 8 months~~~ This probably no one, the reviewer's comments feel quite fair, no issues with originality were mentioned, mainly some questions were raised and some additional experiments were suggested, except for one place where I made a mistake in writing, the reviewer pointed it out, and I sincerely apologized for this mistake in the cover letter~~~ After the first review, there was no second review, it was accepted, my first article in life, I am still quite happy, I hope everyone is lucky.

29 Dec 2020 submission
6 Jan 2021 under review
16 Feb 2021 under review
31 Jun 2021 under review
27 Jul 2021 review complete
28 Jul 2021 major revision & resubmit (deadline: 08 Oct 2021)
03 Oct 2021 submission
05 Oct 2021 review complete
01 Nov 2021 review complete
02 Nov 2021 review complete
02 Nov 2021 Editor Assignment Pending
02 Nov 2021 Accept

shure 2021-10-29

Congratulations, may you be blessed with good fortune!

Dr. Lengtoo 2021-10-27

2021.10.27 accept (English translation: 2021, October 27th, accepted)

abcfdsg 2021-10-27

Build a tower to record the time nodes. The submission is in the direction of evolutionary computation.
2021.10.13 Submission
2021.10.15 Editor assignment pending, all the way until 10.27.

jxkk 2021-10-26

I have already submitted it, but since I am not the corresponding author, does it mean that I cannot see the progress of my paper submission? He told me that mine has already been removed, what does that mean?

shure 2021-10-24

20211005 submit - Submit by October 5th, 2021.
20211008 Editor Assignment Pending - Editor assignment pending as of October 8th, 2021.

无俊 2021-10-21

After several exchanges with the publishing editor, it turns out that the communication author's education email cannot receive the publishing confirmation email. After communicating, it has been proofed and is awaiting publication.

Dr. Lengtoo 2021-10-17

Hello, have you received the comments from the external review?

Bruce2 2021-10-16

Garbage journal, submitted for three and a half months, only to be rejected. They should have rejected it earlier instead of wasting time.

Weilaikeqi 2021-10-03

Without review, the submission was directly rejected one week later. There were no comments provided. However, the speed was indeed quite fast.

无俊 2021-10-01

17 Aug 2021 Editor Decision - Accept
14 Jun 2021 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
14 Jun 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
14 Jun 2021 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
16 Apr 2021 Editor Decision - Major Revisions
02 Mar 2021 AU - Author Approves Changes

Received acceptance notification on August 17th, but have not received the proof yet. Other articles accepted after mine are already online. Just sent an inquiry email, waiting for a reply.

dejavu1 2021-09-24

2021.2.6 submitted
2021.2.19 under review
2021.4.17 reviews completed
2021.4.20 reviews completed
2021.5.6 major revision
2021.6.16 revision submitted
2021.6.28 under review
2021.7.28 reviews completed
2021.8.10 major revision
2021.8.21 revision submitted
2021.8.24 under review
2021.8.31 minor revision
2021.9.5 revision submitted
2021.9.16 under review
2021.9.22 revision submitted
2021.9.24 accept
After 7 months, the first paper.

dejavu1 2021-09-23

Accepting with minor revisions shouldn't be a big problem.

jairy 2021-09-19

I had the same experience. They rejected my submission without any reason, and it took them a month to do it. They didn't even send it for review.

星辰 2021-09-17

Uh, what's going on now? Is it that there's no "Under Review" and after dragging for a month, it got rejected? I still haven't received any news for my three more than...

蓝蓝蓝 2021-09-17

Hello, may I ask how long it took for you to receive feedback during your first review? It has been one month since my first review was completed, and I don't know what the situation is...

ping_nlp 2021-09-17

Reject, no reason for rejection given. This is excessive.

ping_nlp 2021-09-17

Rejection is very fast, but they can reject it. Can you provide some feedback?... They rejected it directly without giving any comments. It's too much, I waited for a month.

九日 2021-09-16

Is it the first trial rejection?

xiaozhangmim 2021-09-16

It has been nearly three months since the manuscript was submitted. During this period, the review date has changed once, which makes me nervous. I don't know whether the rejection rate is high or not.

Dr. Lengtoo 2021-09-16

2021.9.14 minor revision - This refers to a small modification or update made on September 14, 2021.
2021.9.16 revision submitted - This means that a revised version was sent or submitted on September 16, 2021.

Finley 2021-09-15

Submitted on June 31st, 21.
Review completed on September 3rd.
Rejected on September 14th.
There were two reviewers. One provided five suggestions and it seemed like they couldn't grasp my innovative points. The other reviewer believed that the article achieved the state-of-the-art (SOTA), was written clearly, fully complied with the journal, had thorough experiments, and recommended acceptance. However, the final decision came back as rejection. Are the reviewers' opinions really so extreme?

Bruce2 2021-09-14

I submitted on July 1st and still haven't received any news. Sigh.

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