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xiaowanggogogo 2021-12-23

This journal only accepts submissions from doctoral candidates. Does it mean that the first author must have a doctoral degree or higher?

Fighting521 2021-12-22

May I ask what format of LaTeX is used for submitting papers to this journal? I noticed that the official guidelines state that it should be in single-column format, but I have observed that other articles in this journal are in double-column full-color format.

Fighting521 2021-12-22

Hello, may I ask how this journal is charged?

cc 2021-12-16

Shouldn't, it's still early, usually it takes 2 weeks.

cc 2021-12-16

It should be there, the last time I checked was 13 days ago and it was pending.

kkfc 2021-12-15

Excuse me, is it possible to go under review without going through "with editor" first?

张什么什么 2021-12-15

It has been a week for me already, and I have been consistently assigned editing tasks. Should I urge for it?

luu 2021-12-15

The review process is too slow. The first review took nearly 5 months.

峰峰璐流 2021-12-15

The journal has a good reputation, focusing on the innovation of neural networks.

仙女本仙 2021-12-14

The impact factor has been continuously increasing to 5.6. It's not good, my friend.

科研狗偶 2021-12-14

The recognition within the industry is good, and this journal has already been upgraded to Tier 1 at the school. However, it took a bit long, and it did not achieve a very high level.

kkfc 2021-12-14

Ah, isn't it the second or third district? I wanted to relax a bit more.

gcx 2021-12-14

A high-quality journal, it has been directly classified as a first-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is recommended to submit papers related to neural computing.

kkfc 2021-12-14

Do you need recommendations for six reviewers? The editor did not mention this issue when returning the manuscript, only recommending four reviewers.

cc 2021-12-14

Update status, 12.13 under review
Everyone give me some good luck vibes

cc 2021-12-14

Sure, what would you like to inquire about?

保佑我三年毕业 2021-12-13

I don't use the Word method.

爱民 2021-12-13

Hello, I would like to ask. Will there be any problems if the uploaded word document is in the wrong format, such as having extra or missing spaces?

保佑我三年毕业 2021-12-13

No need for all authors to confirm.

kkfc 2021-12-13

May I ask if all authors need to confirm before the review starts? I didn't see any mention of the deadline.

kkfc 2021-12-13

Just submit it in latex.

保佑我三年毕业 2021-12-13

First review took 3 months with four reviewers, each having an average of 10 questions. The reviewers were relatively serious but also gentle.
Second review took 1 month with only one reviewer who raised a few minor questions.
After making the modifications, it took one week to receive the acceptance notification.
In summary, the review process lasted from June to December, which was not short, but both the editors and reviewers were satisfactory.

xiaowanggogogo 2021-12-13

Hello, may I ask what software is used to write this journal article, LaTeX or Word?

kkfc 2021-12-13

May I ask everyone if every author needs to click the confirmation link before the review process? There is one author who hasn't confirmed yet and is not part of the research group. Will it affect the review process?

老妖玩菜刀 2021-12-12

What don't you have any idea about? Just go and check it out yourself, then you'll know.

老妖玩菜刀 2021-12-12

What's uncertain, just check the duplication rate to know, right?

古城萧笙 2021-12-12

Hello classmate, can I ask about the submission process? Thank you very much!

cc 2021-12-04

I'm a new science enthusiast. May I ask how fast the process of this journal is?
Submitted on 11.27
Editor assignment pending on 11.30
It is currently the weekend of 12.4, will the editors be assigned next week? How long does it usually take to reach the "under review" stage?

自由翼 2021-12-02

The submission was successful on September 20th, but the feedback was directly rejected on December 1st. Only opinions from two reviewers, numbered 3 and 4, were provided. Overall, both reviewers seem to be unrelated to the field, leaning towards mathematics, while the article is clearly focused on computer science. Reviewer 3 was more detailed, pointing out many specific issues, but their overall direction did not align well with the article, possibly due to a lack of understanding caused by poor writing. Reviewer 4 solely approached the computer science problem from a mathematical perspective, and their questions were quite general. Overall, the review process was relatively fast, but six reviewers need to be recommended, and the corresponding author must have an official email address from their institution, which is a bit troublesome.

MacoJock 2021-11-24

How fast is the review process of this journal? What is the probability of being rejected? It took me half a year from writing the program to the final draft. Since I didn't check for plagiarism myself, I'm not sure about it. Can anyone with experience share some insights? Also, will this journal be classified as a third-tier journal next year?

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