注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

XWZRBY 2022-01-21

It's really too slow. The first and second trials have been going on for seven to eight months together, and there is still no result for the second trial. It wasn't this slow when I first submitted it.

YtY11 2022-01-15

First trial took 1 month, second trial took 2 months, much faster than KBS...
Submitted on August 12, 2021
Revised on September 15, 2021
Submitted on November 10, 2021
Accepted on January 14, 2022

cgdsy 2022-01-14

Please record the submission time.

sdsdvas111 2022-01-14

The review process is quite fast, with a total of three rounds, each lasting no more than 1.5 months. However, the editing efficiency is not high, and it takes a month to receive the review comments. It's been over a month, and it's a pity that it hasn't been published online yet after acceptance. It was downgraded to the third zone, which is unfortunate considering it received a score of 5.606, which is not low. After researching a bit, I found that there are too many papers each year, over 1600, and there are also many Chinese authors. Could this be the reason for the downgrade?

YtY11 2022-01-10

Isn't the Chinese Academy of Sciences classified as Zone 3 now?

滴眼液 2022-01-08

After being selected, it takes about 20 days to receive it. However, it has not been officially published up until now. Just wait patiently.

欧拉写给马克思的一封信 2022-01-08

How long does it take to invite an editor and how long does it take to submit for review?

一念执着 2022-01-07

2022.1.5 submitted
2022.1.7 editor

inner_peace 2022-01-06

7.16 submitted
10.23 major revision
11.4 resubmitted
1.5 accept
Overall, it went relatively smoothly. The first review took about three months, and each subsequent submission took approximately two months to receive a response.

一念执着 2022-01-05

Oops, but every time I upload like this, the PDF generated by the submission system becomes garbled... However, when I generate it on my own computer, there is no problem. Experts, please help me solve this. I have added you.

XWZRBY 2022-01-04

At the step of submitting the document, please upload the necessary supporting files including .tex, .bib, images, and other required files. Do not upload PDF files.

一念执着 2022-01-04

Thank you! Should I upload the latex-related files in a compressed package? Or... should I upload the pictures and other things separately as individual files... I'm confused, it's my first time doing it like this.

XWZRBY 2022-01-03

Submit latex-related files, and a PDF file will be generated in the end.

一念执着 2022-01-03

Seeking help from experts! Why did the editor return my submission saying that my format is incorrect??? I submitted a PDF, not LaTeX. Do I need to submit that? It's so strange. They said to submit a Word or LaTeX file and then generate a PDF. Does this mean I should submit an editable LaTeX file?

一念执着 2022-01-03

2022年1月2日 提交

不再迷失 2022-01-02

Hello, may I ask where can I download your templates?

不再迷失 2022-01-02

I don't know where you downloaded the template you are using. I couldn't find it on the official website.

不再迷失 2022-01-02

May I ask where you downloaded the template you are using? I couldn't find it on the official website.

一念执着 2022-01-02

Excuse me, I have a question. I didn't see the option to recommend reviewers during the submission process. Where is it? Thank you!

一念执着 2022-01-01

Hello, may I trouble you with a question? I didn't see the option to recommend a reviewer during the submission process. Where can I find it? Thank you!

一念执着 2022-01-01

Excuse me, where do I need to recommend reviewers during the submission process? I haven't seen it throughout the whole process... I beg for guidance from the experts.

shure 2021-12-30

2021-10-29 under review
2021-11-10 reviews completed
2021-11-19 reviews completed
2021-12-17 reviews completed
2021-12-23 reviews completed
2021-12-29 reviews completed
2021-12-29 Major Revisions
The first round of reviews has been completed, and major revisions are required. There were seven reviewers, quite a lot.

蓝蓝蓝 2021-12-29

Hello, may I ask if you have received the relevant email regarding the proofreading of the paper? I have not received the acceptance notification for half a month already. Could you please provide an answer? Thank you.

蓝蓝蓝 2021-12-29

Hello, may I ask if you have received the email regarding the proofreading of the paper? I have not received the acceptance notification for half a month already. Could you please provide an answer? Thank you.

cp15 2021-12-28

Brother, can you please leave a contact information? I want to consult about submitting an article.

寥寥数日 2021-12-28

It took 9 months and was hired.

alisonyy 2021-12-27

The submission was made at the end of June, and until now, there has been no response from the first review. Be cautious before submitting, it is really too slow.

cp15 2021-12-27

Can only PhDs submit contributions?

XWZRBY 2021-12-26

Ah! I submitted it at the beginning of June, and the major revision was given at the end of September. It was fixed on November 1st, and it's been almost two months now, and it still hasn't been reviewed. It's been almost half a year in total. The last time I submitted something, it wasn't this slow!

alisonyy 2021-12-26

I have also been waiting for more than 5 months and people are going crazy.

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