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dkbshuai 2022-03-04

Hello, may I ask if you could provide detailed submission status, such as submission and review dates?

九日 2022-03-04

Replied to the first-round comments approximately three months later, with not too many modifications. After responding seriously according to the reviewer's opinions, received the acceptance email after about one and a half months. The speed is still very fast. Hope that NCAA will continue to improve!

运气爆好 2022-02-28

Okay, I don't really know what's going on. A senior student told me that it might be the first reviewer finished reviewing and then sent it to the second one separately. If that's the case, I don't know how much longer I have to wait...

运气爆好 2022-02-28

I don't know what's going on with this. Just finished one review and now it's being reviewed again. I don't know how long this review will take. If it lasts for another 3 months, I will collapse.

dkbshuai 2022-02-28

You have been under review for 90 days already, encountering such a dragging reviewer is truly troublesome...

dkbshuai 2022-02-28

One of the reviewers' comments should have been returned, while the others have not yet been returned.

徐昂突然 2022-02-28

I am still under review. I wrote a letter to the responsible editor and he replied saying that there is still an opinion from another reviewer that hasn't come back yet. He mentioned that he would only follow up after 60 days of accepting the review. In other words, this reviewer of mine has been delaying since he received the review until now. Speechless.

运气爆好 2022-02-28

My review was completed 5 days ago, but now it has changed to "under review" again... How about yours?

运气爆好 2022-02-28

Posted on November 16, 2021, under review until November 22. On February 23, 2022, it showed that the review was completed, but on February 28, it changed back to under review. Does anyone know what's going on?

晗苏 2022-02-26

Hello, may I ask how is the progress now?

shure 2022-02-23

Notification of the modified submission, only the corresponding author can receive, other authors cannot receive.

HellowS 2022-02-22

Will the non-corresponding author receive an email after the first round of revisions is submitted?

shure 2022-02-22

2022-01-11 Revision Submitted
2022-01-18 Under Review
2022-01-20 Reviews Completed
2022-01-25 Reviews Completed
2022-02-03 Reviews Completed
2022-02-04 Reviews Completed
2022-02-15 Reviews Completed
2022-02-21 Reviews Completed
2022-02-22 Major Revisions
Another revision, reviewed by 7 reviewers, 4 were satisfied with the changes, while 3 were not satisfied.

徐昂突然 2022-02-20

It's really tough, buddy. I hope for good luck. Give me a big overhaul. I've been waiting for too long.

运气爆好 2022-02-19

I submitted my application for review at the same time as you, and it is still under review now. I don't know when we will get the results.

West_dream33 2022-02-15

Only the corresponding author, I didn't receive it at the time.

不学无术 2022-02-15

Submission Process:
2021-10-16 Submit
2021-12-27 Major Revisions
2022-01-05 Revised Submit
2022-01-17 Major Revisions
2022-01-17 Revised Submit
2022-01-28 Minor Revisions
2022-01-28 Revised Submit
2022-02-14 Accept

The efficiency is quite high. The review process was fast after two major revisions. There were two reviewers in total. The first reviewer seemed to have not understood my article. The comments from the first and second review were completely different. I rejected some of the comments. The second reviewer read it very carefully and provided targeted questions. After the first major revision, there were hardly any comments. It took a total of four months from submission to acceptance.

HellowS 2022-02-13

May I ask, will I receive a submission confirmation email after submitting the revision?

HellowS 2022-02-13

Excuse me, after making modifications, will all authors receive a submission confirmation email?

cgdsy 2022-02-13

There is no requirement in the journal that only allows submissions from PhD holders.

West_dream33 2022-02-11

Posted in June 2020; received review comments in mid-September, requiring major revisions; returned revised manuscript in early November, accepted in late November. The editing process was very prompt. Looking forward to Neural Computing and Applications journal becoming even better!

徐昂突然 2022-02-10

08 Nov 2021 Submitted
20 Nov 2021 Under Review
Until now, there is still no result. It's too slow. I have been waiting for three months.

白小心 2022-02-09

2021-04-01. Submitted
2021-06-01. Reviewer Completed
2021–08-18. Major Revision
2021-10-19. Revision Submitted
2022-01-21. Mail to Journals Editorial Office (JEO) "Current status stays on Under Review for 3 months".
2022-01-22. Received reply from JEO, “forwarded your concern to the handling editor"
2022-01-23. Minor Revision, accept with amendments”.
2021-01-24. Revision Submitted,
2021-01-28. Editor Assignment Pending.
2021-01-30. Accept.

2021-04-01. Submitted
2021-06-01. Reviewer Completed
2021–08-18. Major Revision
2021-10-19. Revision Submitted
2022-01-21. Mail to Journals Editorial Office (JEO) "Current status stays on Under Review for 3 months".
2022-01-22. Received reply from JEO, "forwarded your concern to the handling editor"
2022-01-23. Minor Revision, accept with amendments.
2021-01-24. Revision Submitted,
2021-01-28. Editor Assignment Pending.
2021-01-30. Accept.

荣耀 2022-02-08

From submission to acceptance, it takes about 7 months in total, which is considered a moderate speed. The reviewers' comments are relatively friendly, so those who are not in a hurry to graduate can give it a try.

穿云de少侠 2022-02-01

Sure, the translation of the given text from Chinese (Simplified) to English is:

"Sure enough, now it is already online."

Envy 2022-01-31

He kept sending me emails to review his manuscript, and I diligently reviewed it. However, in the end, I submitted it to the editor, who directly rejected it.

XWZRBY 2022-01-29

The proofreading email is only sent to the corresponding author's email, so you need to go to the corresponding author's email to find the email.

穿云de少侠 2022-01-28

2021/7/6 Submission
2021/10/17 Major Revision
11/24 Revised
12/12 Accepted

It has been over a month and a half, and I still haven't received any information about the proofreading. Another paper that was accepted in November in the laboratory has also not been received. I don't know what's going on.

徐昂突然 2022-01-27

I have been under review for two months as well. This journal is really slow. I saw on their official website that it takes 65 days.

运气爆好 2022-01-27

Posted on November 16, 2021, under review on November 18. It has been 2 months now and still under review. Hopefully, it can be processed quickly.

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