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cwf 2022-04-15

hxd, do you determine that a reviewer has completed the review through the status date update? It has been stuck for a month now and the date hasn't changed.

cwf 2022-04-15

During the process of the second review, the revised manuscript was returned at the end of February and revised again on March 16. The status has remained unchanged since then and is still "under review" until now.

北巷南风丶 2022-04-14

Is there any news now?

winnerche 2022-04-13

Artificial Intelligence Direction

运气爆好 2022-04-13

There are a total of 3 reviewers, and 2 reviewers requested revisions. Notice for major revisions was given on 2022.03.08. Revised on 2022.03.16. Under review on 2022.03.17. Reviewing process completed on 2022.03.20. Until now, still waiting for the completion of another reviewer, it has been almost a month with no progress. Is the second review also this slow? It seems that the second review is usually quick according to other fellow researchers' sharing. Are there any fellow researchers also waiting for the second review?

dkbshuai 2022-04-12

2022.1.25 submitted
2022.1.27 editor assignment pending
2022.2.6 under review
Until now, there is no news. Previously, I emailed the editor, and the editor said that they require the reviewers to return the report within two months after agreeing to review it. Now, two months have passed, and there is still no news.

请设置你的昵称 2022-04-11

May I ask at which stage should I recommend reviewers? I haven't been prompted to recommend any until I confirm my submission in the system.

请设置你的昵称 2022-04-11

May I ask if all authors will receive a submission confirmation email after the initial draft is submitted? Do we need each author's confirmation before the review process begins?

runtime123 2022-04-11

How is it going? Are there four reviewers?

runtime123 2022-04-09

May I ask what opinions were given by the seven reviewers in the first review? Were there any rejections?

runtime123 2022-04-09

May I ask what opinions were given by the seven reviewers in the first review? Were any rejections given?

zw 2022-04-09

Record the time milestones:
27 Mar 2022: Submit
28 Mar 2022: Edit assigned pending
09 Apr 2022: Under review
Good luck! Good luck!

Update the status!
Submitted for six months! The first review result on October 1st was rejection.
There were a total of four reviewers, and only two provided feedback, which were general comments. After the recommendation from the Associate Editor, it was rejected by the Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
We sent a reminder at the end of September, and shortly after, the feedback came back. Not sure if it was due to the reminder.

dbpq 2022-04-08

The first review took more than two months, and it was finally completed with great difficulty. However, the editor has delayed for another month and has not yet provided feedback. It's too slow!

北巷南风丶 2022-04-07

May I ask what direction you have invested in? I am getting anxious. It has been almost two months since the first trial.

北巷南风丶 2022-04-07

My timeline is similar to yours. The status of 2.19 under review has not changed until now. What direction did you submit?

徐昂突然 2022-04-06

The journal blacklisted me, the editor is so irresponsible. I submitted for six months and received a rejection based on the reviewer's comments.

winnerche 2022-04-06

04 Feb 2022 Initial Date Submitted
13 Feb 2022 Under Review
It has been two months, and the first review result has not been released yet.

runtime123 2022-04-02

Hello, there are several reviewers.

涵彦祖 2022-04-01

Record the time point. Please please please ask the editor and reviewer. Big brother.
05 Feb 2022 Submmit
17 Feb 2022 Under Review

shure 2022-03-29

Editor assignment pending, this status has been going on for too long. Is the editor not at work?

Sanliwa 2022-03-25

May I ask how long after receiving the letter you will submit the paper online?

北巷南风丶 2022-03-20

OK, I understand, thank you.

kkfc 2022-03-20

This is updated after each reviewer has finished reviewing.

北巷南风丶 2022-03-20

May I ask why it takes more than a month after review completed?

kkfc 2022-03-20

Record it. I hope it can be a major revision, my good editor.
2021.12.14 Submit
2021.12.30 Under Review
2022.02.14 Reviews Completed
2022.03.14 Reviews Completed
2022.03.15 Reviews Completed
It has been almost three months for the first review. From the current situation, there should be four reviewers. I hope they can be merciful.

shure 2022-03-12

2022-02-22 Revision Submitted
2022-02-23 Under Review
2022-03-02 Reviews Completed
2022-03-09 Reviews Completed
2022-03-10 Reviews Completed
2022-03-11 Minor Revision
Please revise again, as two reviewers are still not satisfied. Hopefully, it can be accepted this time.

yeahyeahyeah 2022-03-11

In the field of NLP, the process went through 2 rounds, taking a total of a little over 4 months.
There were a total of 4 reviewers, including both senior and junior peers. They gave me a very professional and dedicated impression, and they were also very timely.
In the first round, I was asked to conduct some experiments and provide comprehensive evidence for my model.
The reviewers in the second round were very meticulous, pointing out several typos for me.

11 Mar 2022 Editor Decision - Accept
02 Mar 2022 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
02 Mar 2022 AU - Revised PDF Built by Author
26 Feb 2022 Editor Decision - Minor Revisions
14 Feb 2022 Acknowledge Receipt of Revision
09 Jan 2022 Editor Decision - Minor Revisions
10 Oct 2021 AU - Original PDF Built by Author

shure 2022-03-09

So fast~~ Enjoying the good luck, mine should come soon too~

dkbshuai 2022-03-08

Brother, you are really lucky! It took only four months to be accepted. How many reviewers were there?

ysd-tracking 2022-03-08

Here is a detailed timeline of my submission for everyone's reference:

2021.11.06 - Submitted
2021.11.06 - Submitted
2021.11.08 - Editor assignment pending
2021.11.19 - Under review
2022.01.03 - Reviews completed
2022.01.20 - Reviews completed
2022.01.22 - Major revision
2022.02.19 - Revision submitted
2022.02.21 - Under review
2022.03.06 - Editor assignment pending
2022.03.07 - Accept

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