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ModestyLiou 2023-07-25

Submitted in February, major revision requested in June, accepted in July. Overall, it is not bad, except for the long review period. The review comments are still very fair. If you are in a hurry to graduate, it is recommended to switch to a faster submission.

kk 2021-08-01

May I ask how much is the publishing fee in Chinese yuan?

mars1221 2021-03-17

The review speed is quite fast, almost as fast as BBRC. They require original data and the review process is strict. I have noticed that many manuscripts were withdrawn before, and the editors pay great attention to whether the paper is from a paper mill. The journal has requested that a statement be included in the declaration to clarify that the article is not from a paper mill. The speed is fast, the revisions are quick, and the requirements are strict.

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