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alex_zhao_zi 2022-12-29

The following text translates to: "A well-established journal in the field of mental illness ~ Similar status to the American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) ~ Initially, I submitted to JAMA Psychiatry and was rejected. Then I tried Molecular Psychiatry (Mol), and luckily, it was accepted. There were two reviewers, and they didn't raise too sharp issues. The process was also relatively fast ~ initial review took less than a month, probably around twenty days, and the second review took half a month."

Huiskie 2022-10-05

One of the top journals in the field of psychiatry.
The first review took four months, and the reviewers did not make major changes to the overall paper, but requested the addition of an experiment and updates to some statistical methods.
After adding the experiment and revising the manuscript for a month and a half, it was not sent back to the reviewers. Seventeen days later, the editor directly handled it and put it in the provisionally accepted state, only requiring the submission of the final version without markings and the associated ORCID account.

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