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方建 2022-12-22

This magazine editor has a lot of power, and he believes that he can ignore the opinions of reviewers if he thinks you haven't done enough! This is not unprofessional. It is, in fact, a responsible behavior. If you want to evaluate the quality of a magazine based on speed, I suggest submitting to the top journal, MDPI.

方建 2022-12-22

Very professional magazine, the level of reviewers and editors is very high, and their opinions are very objective. It seems to be not very popular in China, and its rating is very low.

zhuangbiwang 2022-10-27

The review process is too slow, and the editing is not professional.

anxuanxian 2022-09-21

What kind of article did you submit, and how long did it take in total?


It may be due to different editors, but when I submitted my article for major revisions, it was accepted in less than a month after the revisions were made. Moreover, this journal has an advanced online version, which is published within 3 working days after proofreading. It is very efficient.

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