认证评论 - Molecular Ecology Resources
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

xiaoleeya 2023-07-01

Submitted on June 30, 2023, awaiting results.

半口青椒 2022-04-01

18-Sep-2020 Submit
11-Nov-2020 Reject, encourage to resubmit
14-Dec-2021 Reconsider after revision
28-Feb-2022 Minor Revision
29-Mar-2022 Accept
Before submission, inquire about acceptance intention, interested parties will receive a response within 2 days. After submission, the reviewer (a deputy editor) was very professional and provided many good suggestions when encouraging resubmission.

lvye2021 2021-11-02

1. Firstly submitted (22-Oct-2020)
2. Reject, encourage to resubmit (18-Feb-2021)
3. Minor Revision (30-Sep-2021)
4. Accept (01-Nov-2021)

Finally accepted, the process was too long, mainly due to one reviewer who kept delaying until the end. Still, I am very grateful to MER for providing the opportunity to accept! Amitabha

20210830 2021-08-30

It has been two weeks and still no news on the awaiting ME decision.

lvye2021 2021-08-27

SUBMITTED 22-Oct-2020
DECISIONED Reject, encourage to resubmit (18-Feb-2021)

During the long wait, my article spent nearly 4 months in the initial review, and I have been waiting for news since resubmission (one reviewer has not responded).
I hope friends who have experience submitting to this journal can help me answer some questions.
Hopefully there will be a result, but the result is still unknown. It's just that the review time is too long, a long agony~~~

Hobart2021 2021-07-09

After two weeks of submission, it entered "Under Review". Three days later, it changed to "Awaiting ME decision". Does this mean it will be rejected?

Lakeman 2021-03-03

First round submission:
07-07 Submit
08-01 Under Review
08-06 Awaiting reviewer scoring
08-25 Awaiting ED recommendation
08-25 Awaiting ME Decision
08-26 Reject, encourage to resubmit

12-01 Submit / Under review
12-16 Awaiting ME decision
12-18 Reconsider after revision

01-17 Submit
01-22 Under review
02-05 Awaiting reviewer scoring
02-07 Awaiting ED recommendation
02-25 Awaiting ME Decision
02-25 Accept

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