注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Ryosuke 2021-02-02

A niche but relatively well-established German SCI (Science Citation Index) with good quality, although the review process is a bit slow. The three reviewers are all top experts in the industry, including the former chairman of a certain world organization and a professor from the Einstein Mathematical Institute.

2020.06.23 Submitted to Journal
2020.09.11 Major Revision
2020.10.28 Submitted to Journal
2020.12.20 Major Revision
2020.12.23 Submitted to Journal
2021.01.27 Minor Revision
2021.02.01 Accept

Ryosuke 2021-02-02

A small but relatively well-established German SCI, with good quality, just that the review process is a bit slow. All three reviewers are top experts in the industry, including a former chairperson of a certain world organization and a professor from the Einstein Mathematical Institute.

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