注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

划笔忘忧愁 2023-08-07

How long does it usually take for this journal to go online after proofreading?

划笔忘忧愁 2023-08-07

I hope to move up to the second district this year.

Enllsong 2023-07-19

Thank you, editor-in-chief. The first SCI paper of my doctoral degree has gained momentum at a crucial time.

马儿吃草马儿跑 2023-06-01

The review process may be slower.

UURSELF 2023-05-11

After five months of review, the manuscript is still under review. I wrote an email to urge the editor and received a reply stating that they were unable to find a reviewer.

yiyi-zhou 2023-04-26

The reviewing speed is extremely fast, but what is criticized is that both the two submission systems and the partition have been continuously declining.

Chen必中 2023-03-28

The first review takes 11 weeks, the second review takes 5 weeks, and the total submission cycle is about 4 months. Thank you to the reviewers and editors.

simon2 2023-01-25

Before, 3 articles were accepted, but later all submissions have been consistently rejected. Moreover, this journal was ranked as a 2nd tier by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for 22 years, so how did it become a 3rd tier now?

= = 2023-01-15

Submitted on 22nd November 2012
Sent for review on 22nd November 2015
Accepted by the end of April 2023, with a total processing time of 5 and a half months.

Thank you to the reviewers and editors!

zui清风 2023-01-09

Just after using it, the rate dropped to the third zone.

131dd 2022-12-24

It has already dropped from District 2 to District 3.

XNL2013 2022-12-23

The manuscript status is the state you mentioned. I didn't change it later and submitted it to another journal and requested MAMS to withdraw the submission. So I don't know if it was sent to the original reviewer.

zyf1996 2022-12-12

My situation is also resubmitting after the editor's rejection. I only have two reviewers, but both are relatively positive. Should I resubmit to the original reviewer or get a new one? Currently, the status in my system is "ready to revise" instead of "rejected." Was it the same for you at that time? Thank you.

zyf1996 2022-12-12

After my paper was rejected by the editor, I made revisions and resubmitted it. I would like to know if I should find a new reviewer after submission, or if it will be sent back to the original reviewer. Does this belong to the second round of review or the first round? Currently, the status in the system shows "ready to revise".

一口一个包子 2022-11-04

Submit 24-Jul-2022
Major Revision 03-Oct-2022
Resubmit 08-Oct-2022
Accept 03-Nov-2022
The journal is very friendly, just a bit slow in terms of speed. There were two reviewers, one recommended minor revisions, and one accepted it directly.

二三四五 2022-10-29

How much is the layout fee?

Crey 2022-10-27

2022.8.7 manuscript submit
2022.8.7 with journal administrator
2022.8.12 with editor
2022.8.16 out for review
No review comments have been received yet.

Crey 2022-10-27

Posted on August 12th, it's now October 27th and there is still no news from the external review.

Scramber 2022-10-21

Still with the editor, feeling numb, the speed is much slower compared to others.

奋斗者666 2022-10-16

After 8 months, it was finally received!

zzthomas 2022-10-10

Went to the wrong floor, sorry.

zzthomas 2022-10-10

08 August 2022 - Manuscript submitted
08 August 2022 - With journal administrator
13 August 2022 - With editor
16 August 2022 - Out for review

zzthomas 2022-10-10

17 Sep 2022 decision pending - Decision pending on 17th September 2022
17 Sep 2022 Revision - Revision on 17th September 2022
09 Oct 2022 Revised manuscript submitted - Revised manuscript submitted on 9th October 2022
10 Oct 2022 Accept - Accepted on 10th October 2022
The time from submission to acceptance can be shortened to one and a half months, which is very fast.

SOSLBW 2022-09-13

2022.9.9 manuscript submit
2022.9.9 with journal administrator
2022.9.12 with editor
2022.9.13 out for review


2022.9.9 - Manuscript submitted
2022.9.9 - Meeting with journal administrator
2022.9.12 - Meeting with editor
2022.9.13 - Sent out for review

changlijun0814@163.com 2022-08-22

The text "8.22 With Journal Administrator" does not require translation as it is already in English.

zzthomas 2022-08-18

08 August 2022 Manuscript Submitted
08 August 2022 With Journal Administrator
13 August 2022 With Editor
16 August 2022 Out for Review

Submitted the manuscript on August 8th, 2022. It was received by the Journal Administrator on the same date. On August 13th, it was passed on to the Editor. On August 16th, it was sent out for review.

It took about a week for the manuscript to be sent for review, which is a decent speed. Hopefully, it will yield positive results!

Gambler 2022-08-14

Note: On 14 August 2022, I received an email regarding the Author Publishing Agreement (APA). Simply access the webpage to confirm the relevant information, which will only take a few minutes.

Gambler 2022-08-13

22 June 2022, Manuscript Submitted
22 June 2022, With Journal Administrator
26 June 2022, With Editor
30 June 2022, Out for Review
29 July 2022, Decision Pending
02 August 2022, Revision Required
08 August 2022, Revised Manuscript Submitted
08 August 2022, With Journal Administrator
10 August 2022, With Editor
11 August 2022, Out for Review
13 August 2022, Accepted

This is the process for reference. Just after submitting the paper, it was downgraded to Q2. The impact factor also dropped from over 4.0 to around 3. Is this reasonable?

刘数字 2022-08-12

After I submitted my article, the editor replied that the peer review process would take at least 8 weeks.

刘数字 2022-08-09

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