认证评论 - Materials Testing
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

doctorwho 2022-12-19

When did you submit your contribution? Have you sent any reminder emails in between?

宣岳 2022-12-19

Everything is good, just the review process is a bit slow.

wangtao2333 2022-12-12

Boss, how do I operate the re-investment after modification? Please guide me.

wangdongxiao 2022-10-28

I submitted it on June 22nd, and until now, there has been no news. It has been under review all this time.

Chuxiaocheng 2022-10-27

Too slow, submitted on June 16th, 22, and it has been over four months now with no news. It has been under review all this time.

ggminfzj 2022-06-17

4.9投 6.16拒 translates to "4.9 acceptance, 6.16 rejection" in English.

HOUPENG 2022-04-24

May I ask if there is a layout fee for this? He has been sending me information about open-source publishing.

xiaokeaiya 2022-03-10

Can I ask how long it took to receive the initial draft feedback?

J.S 2022-01-03

Hello, may I ask if your article goes directly into the "under review" status after submission?

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